Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I'm using equal parts of wheat, oats, and corn.

Is this going to ferment well for my Cornish cross?

Hey pinback
I'm not sure. Can you calculate the proteins on ea and divide by 3. It should be around 20%. You might bump it up by adding black oil sunflower seeds. About 1/2 part. It's higher in protein. Plus I just throw in a few meat leftovers or a can of tuna occasionally You have a good start going.
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I'm using equal parts of wheat, oats, and corn.

Is this going to ferment well for my Cornish cross?

Sure will...takes a little longer to get the whole grains fully soaked and fermented than it does the ground feeds but they will ferment quite well.

No, that's a real decrease in feeds fed, I've found. I've always fed in a trough with fencing over it, so I didn't have wasted feed as an issue or factor when I started the FF...and I'm still using half what I used to use. They just seem to require much less feed altogether because they are getting more nutrition per bite.
Rose Marie: My best little layer does the "moon walk" you describe. She also does a eye blink with her inner eye lid, and occasional head shaking associated with it. Most often in the morning. When I give her extra vitamins (Nutri-drench) it seems to clear up for a bit. She's bright, acts great, has a great sheen to her feathers, fine in every other way. I'm guessing that it's neurological in nature, perhaps driven by nutrient malabsorption. So, until she acts like it is affecting her well being or function, she stays, but does not get to play in the gene pool!
ahhhh OK, thanx..... I haven't seen her doing it anymore but she sure is laying some eggs that's for sure. Those RIR's have really laid some eggs since they started laying. I'm trying to find someone now for my BA's because I am tired of fighting their broody-ness and can't have them all sitting in nesting spots and my others needing to lay their eggs. I have 7 of the boogers and they are all wanting to be broody. lol I have TWO in the broody breaker pen now and thought I had another one today and I was like you gals can't ALL fit into that small pen. somethings gotta give here.
Hey Dude, That plucker is very interesting. How long have you had it and how has it held up? Have you needed to replace any parts and how was that?
Can't remember WHO it was that told me this when I was telling about how I had made some nesting boxes for my chickens out of milk crates and they WOULD NOT use them. Well they suggested I put something over them because they like privacy so I hung an old sheet behind them on the wall and took an old bluejean dress I was going to make a scare crow with and I took it apart and draped it over the tops and down each side of them and now they are FINALLY laying in them. Not laid anything in one of them but there is two they are using finally. Got my first eggs out of it last week. THANK YOU again!!!
Quote: Thanks Dude, I often buy whole chickens because they are so much cheaper and cut them up myself, so do notice the smell.
My chickens still manage to waste some. I had to quit putting scratch in my ff because they would spend a long time picking out the goodies and leaving the rest. : )
Hey Dude, That plucker is very interesting. How long have you had it and how has it held up? Have you needed to replace any parts and how was that?

Actually I just started the whole meat chicken thing a few months ago. This was the first go with the plucker, but so far so good. It's definitely a sturdy machine and heavy, all metal. The scald time is the key. Temp needs to be 140-150, for about 60 seconds. Too much longer and your bird cooks. Then 30-45 secs in the plucker.

I was going to build a whizbang plucker, but buying all the parts, instructions, etc. and then my time to assemble it was going to cost as much as buying the Starpluck. I've got enough projects and it just wasn't worth it.
Thanks! I tried it & all my birds love it!
My layers actually like it better than their dry pellets.

Amazing how the meat birds have immediately started self regulating their eating, & eating less, drinking less & relaxing!
Thought I'd finish off their bag of feed this week, but it will last another week at this rate.

Chicks love my mashing too!

Thank you for the great links & info.

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