Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

The pen is an old horse stall. It is pretty well protected from larger predators but I'm sure there are some nooks and crannies I haven't found. As a noob it is not fun finding that in the morning. I'm just hoping I don't lose more before I figure it out.

I'll go pick up some moth balls. Do you put them on the inside perimeter of the coop or the outside perimeter? Or both?

Thanks for the reassurance about the FF. I have...um...stumbled into a bred that I would like to breed back towards being a meat bird. These guys seam to really like it and the feed is certainly stretching longer.


Do you mind sharing what kind of breed you stumbled upon?
I put moth balls around the coop this morning. I will also look into the other thread as well. The first few pics on it were impressive. Fingers crossed...none dead this morning.

I ordered some barred rock hatching eggs but the post office sent them on a journey through the Midwest. By the time I got them most were 10 plus days old. I went ahead and picked up some eggs from a local breeder. We were hatching them for my daughter's class so I asked for a dozen of the most vigorous hatching eggs. Well...that happened to be large fowl golden laced Cochins. :D

I don't need proficient layers. Some eggs will do. I am hoping they hold true to some of their traits that are described elsewhere, especially the broodiness. Their frame is huge compared to the one rock that hatched and I don't think it is all the fluff.

Update of FF....their poops are firm and formed! Nothing like that stuff they were producing in the brooder before I started FF.

That's what I'm going to do.   Hope my heating pad works as well.    Good luck

Heating pad worked good. It kept temp around 73/74 degrees. Enough for my week plus chicks. I'm still a bit of a worrier so con is I can't see under it. All is good at this mornings check.

I borrowed your FF chick feeder idea. I have the plastic chick feeders you get at places like TSC. So I modified them for the FF:

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Can you please describe where TSC is that you bought those red plastic feeders, and how you modified them? Is it the wire across the top you added? I really need something like that for my FF to keep the meaties from walking through it or knocking it over.
Can you please describe where TSC is that you bought those red plastic feeders, and how you modified them? Is it the wire across the top you added? I really need something like that for my FF to keep the meaties from walking through it or knocking it over.

I gave up worrying about them walking in it. Some people add welded wire fencing over the top. But I screwed mine to a piece of wood and then that to other pieces as you see in the picture and they don't turn it over. Tractor Supply Company is a chain store. I don't know if they have them where you are but you can look on their website. Oh, and I just removed the top of it once they were big enough that it was hard to get through the little holes.

When they were small I actually used one of the normal feeders. I just didn't fill the jar up with FF, I only put it on to keep it from getting knocked over and keep them from walking in it. They could clean out every drop of that wet food without any problem.
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