Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Ok I think I reAd something about thus but can't find it. Can I add up acv to store bought acv and undo the pasteurization?

Yes, you can. Or, someone on here w/much more experience with this than me said: you can get a can of frozen apple juice (it doesn't have added calcium - you DON'T want the calcium). Make it, pour however much you want to "turn" into a container, add some of the mother ACV to it and put it on a shelf to turn. In a couple of weeks you'll have a whole container of mother filled ACV.
You don't need to keep it covered with water. The bacteria you are growing as you ferment, EAT mold. Mold should NOT form unless you leave it un-tended for a prolonged period where the good bacteria run out of stuff to eat (that's what fermentation is). The longer the ferment goes, the more "sour" it will smell. Once you add water and fresh grain/pellets/mash/scratch/etc. and give it a good stir, that smell should "sweeten" right up and not smell so sour. Leaving it like oatmeal is perfect! That way there's NO STRAINING
Just dish it out and let them pig out! The grayish/whitish layer that forms on the top sometimes is NOT mold, that is the GOOD stuff! just mix it in and serve it up. The stuff that gets stuck on the sides of the bucket as you use it is not a problem either... just scrape it back into the mix as that's where it should end up next time you refill the bucket w/water and "stuff" anyway
Like @OHhappychicks said, just throw a towel over it and if you're feeding from it every day, there really isn't even a need to stir it... just mix it around a bit as you're dishing it out for your birds. The ferment will mix through the entire lot regardless.

Latestarter you are doing so well with your researching. It definitely shows that you are doing your homework. Kudos.
Thanks Linda
Just trying to take some of the "load" off all you good folks who have been sharing all this great knowledge repeatedly over time
I think it also helps when people with questions see the same info verified from many different sources as being factual.
Thanks Linda
Just trying to take some of the "load" off all you good folks who have been sharing all this great knowledge repeatedly over time
I think it also helps when people with questions see the same info verified from many different sources as being factual.

Yes, of course, you are right. I try to research all the threads. Some are heavy reading, but usually if they are very long I read the first hundred or so pages and then go and read the last 100 or so. Easier than trying to go through 1500 pages.
Being rather anal (as well as sometimes more than adequately curious), when I find something of interest (like this thread for example) I take the time and read from front to back
, first to last. I'm the same with books... could never go read the end prior to getting to it the "hard" way. It would be easier, granted, but I'd be forever curious as to what I missed in-between
And, the stuff I skipped when I went to the end just wouldn't be the same reading after already at the conclusion/present. Just me... a bit strange perhaps...
You don't need to keep it covered with water. The bacteria you are growing as you ferment, EAT mold. Mold should NOT form unless you leave it un-tended for a prolonged period where the good bacteria run out of stuff to eat (that's what fermentation is). The longer the ferment goes, the more "sour" it will smell. Once you add water and fresh grain/pellets/mash/scratch/etc. and give it a good stir, that smell should "sweeten" right up and not smell so sour. Leaving it like oatmeal is perfect! That way there's NO STRAINING
Just dish it out and let them pig out! The grayish/whitish layer that forms on the top sometimes is NOT mold, that is the GOOD stuff! just mix it in and serve it up. The stuff that gets stuck on the sides of the bucket as you use it is not a problem either... just scrape it back into the mix as that's where it should end up next time you refill the bucket w/water and "stuff" anyway
Like @OHhappychicks said, just throw a towel over it and if you're feeding from it every day, there really isn't even a need to stir it... just mix it around a bit as you're dishing it out for your birds. The ferment will mix through the entire lot regardless.
Being rather anal (as well as sometimes more than adequately curious), when I find something of interest (like this thread for example) I take the time and read from front to back
, first to last. I'm the same with books... could never go read the end prior to getting to it the "hard" way. It would be easier, granted, but I'd be forever curious as to what I missed in-between
And, the stuff I skipped when I went to the end just wouldn't be the same reading after already at the conclusion/present. Just me... a bit strange perhaps...

No you are like me. I've been on this forum for 9 or so months and have totally read hundreds of threads. If you want to find out from the experts read it all. I do a lot of research as well as read old books Google/books. Search for poultry, chickens, coops etc. A lot of old books written by the masters of chicken raising. And free
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Ok I will ask the question that has been covered all over but my work is nuts and I have no time. to read this huge thread How do I decide how much fermented scratch to give my Cornish cross? I need to weigh out the food for them as they are eating anything but I can't weigh out the mash because of water weight. Do I go on volume and subtract from the Normal food? I feed twice a day and their weights are right whee they need to be. Before this I fed my layers fermented scratch like this but they regulate what they eat. My mash is going on year 3 or more and they all love it
Ok I will ask the question that has been covered all over but my work is nuts and I have no time. to read this huge thread How do I decide how much fermented scratch to give my Cornish cross? I need to weigh out the food for them as they are eating anything but I can't weigh out the mash because of water weight. Do I go on volume and subtract from the Normal food? I feed twice a day and their weights are right whee they need to be. Before this I fed my layers fermented scratch like this but they regulate what they eat. My mash is going on year 3 or more and they all love it

I'd just put out enough that they will eat it in about 20 min. If there is any left after that time, put out a little less the next time. CX's need a higher protein than your layers. 20% or so. Scratch has about 9 or 10% protein so you need to add grower to it. Serve maybe 1/2 c per bird per serving. I buy gamebird and it has 26%. So I use 1 scoop to 3 or 4 of grower and some boss. Calculate what kind of grain you want to use that will get you your protein and do it. It's all a learning experience. A good site to get answers without reading long threads is this one:

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