Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

So, the orange diarrhea that I see is normal...?

We live in the middle of NH, lakes region. We have had a mild summer. Hot days have just started to hit a couple days a week...around 90 degrees. It has been mostly 85 degrees or lower. I agree with the giving then dry vs FF. It is the same either way. I will try making it drier. Are the end of the batch, because the water settles, it is a little more wet. I refuse to put holes on the bottom of my blue tote because of all the hard work I have put into making this stuff.

The moldy food that gets into the cracks of the toate around the rim, is it safe to mix I. If I can dig it out? It turns black. Also, I have a swarm of little flies that like to hang out. If they can find their way into the toate with the kid cracked a little, I will find a colony of flies when I open the lid. Is this normal? I have those little air holes on the handles taped shut.

Next, my turkeys are about 3 months old and I let them free range as well. This FF is good for them, right?
So, the orange diarrhea that I see is normal...?

We live in the middle of NH, lakes region. We have had a mild summer. Hot days have just started to hit a couple days a week...around 90 degrees. It has been mostly 85 degrees or lower. I agree with the giving then dry vs FF. It is the same either way. I will try making it drier. Are the end of the batch, because the water settles, it is a little more wet. I refuse to put holes on the bottom of my blue tote because of all the hard work I have put into making this stuff.

The moldy food that gets into the cracks of the toate around the rim, is it safe to mix I. If I can dig it out? It turns black. Also, I have a swarm of little flies that like to hang out. If they can find their way into the toate with the kid cracked a little, I will find a colony of flies when I open the lid. Is this normal? I have those little air holes on the handles taped shut.

Next, my turkeys are about 3 months old and I let them free range as well. This FF is good for them, right?

You're better off using 5G buckets and closing them off with plastic wrap as I stated above. If you're getting mold, BLACK mold, around your lid, that isn't good. Don't mix it in. Black mold causes respiratory failure in humans AND animals.
So, the orange diarrhea that I see is normal...?

We live in the middle of NH, lakes region. We have had a mild summer. Hot days have just started to hit a couple days a week...around 90 degrees. It has been mostly 85 degrees or lower. I agree with the giving then dry vs FF. It is the same either way. I will try making it drier. Are the end of the batch, because the water settles, it is a little more wet. I refuse to put holes on the bottom of my blue tote because of all the hard work I have put into making this stuff.

The moldy food that gets into the cracks of the toate around the rim, is it safe to mix I. If I can dig it out? It turns black. Also, I have a swarm of little flies that like to hang out. If they can find their way into the toate with the kid cracked a little, I will find a colony of flies when I open the lid. Is this normal? I have those little air holes on the handles taped shut.

Next, my turkeys are about 3 months old and I let them free range as well. This FF is good for them, right?

Likely the orange diarrhea you are seeing is cecal poops and is perfectly normal for poultry...about every 9th emission they put out will be cecal feces and this can range in color from orange to olive drab to brown mustard in color.

Yep, the FF is good for your turkeys.

Don't worry about the moldy food in the cracks and crevices....it rarely ever joins your FF after it cakes in and dries like that and it's so minimal that it won't make a bit of difference. If you have to dig it out, it likely won't come out with casual use anyway. I get that in the back of the handle of my scoop and occasionally I'll soak that scoop and dig and dig to get it out, but it will develop there again. Again, if I have to dig to get it out, it's not going to be winding up in the food any time soon. Even if it did, it's in such small amounts it can do no harm at all.

The flies are fruit flies, or vinegar gnats, and are attracted to the acetic acid formation in the feed. They won't hurt a thing, they don't transmit any germs or anything of that nature to your container and, if they do lay any eggs, that's extra protein in your feed. I've never seen any of their eggs or maggots in the feed because I scrape down the sides of my bucket each time I stir the FF before feeding. Buckets are a bit easier to keep scraped down due to the smooth walls and round shape.

Don't worry about letting the flies or air into your mix...it's necessary to let the gasses out of the FF and to let the wild yeasts into the mix, so an airflow is desirable...particularly for decreasing the growth of mold vs. yeasts.
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I've been using ff for about 1 1/2 yrs now. I just read tiktoks link. I've always used local non gmo layer mash, 3 grain scratch, steam rolled barley and boss. After reading her article, I feel maybe this isn't the best for them. Especially the scratch and boss. If I understand her correctly, she uses a commercial feed. I strongly prefer non-gmo and organic feed. Is the local layer mash not a good alternative? Our local feed mill has non-gmo/organic local layer mash. Although this last time it was more oats than anything. Not sure if they gave me the right thing or not. I'm going to ask them when I go in next. I just always thought that local mash was a good source. It could just be her preference for ease of use, but just wanted some input. Thank you!
I only use layer mash for feed...if they have added all the essential fats, minerals and vitamins that should be in a balanced layer ration, I don't see anything wrong in feeding that feed.
Thank you much Bee! I didn't think so, but just wanted to make sure. I knew you would have a good answer! I'm going to ask the feed mill about their "recipe". I'm sure it is ok. I've been using it for a long time and the flock is doing good. I just ordered meat chicks and was looking up the feed for them when I ran across tiktoc's blog. It is very informative. Really has all the questions answered that you would need on FF.
I have gone of all the soyabean they stuff everything with. Not great for birds not great for humans eating animal products. My expert pro poultry keeping friends that have been doing it for ages get their feed made to order. So what they WANT and NEEDis in it. I am now going that road. I put their vits in the water with ACV. They get extra eggs and shell fed back and aglime grit. I am now adding pollard to the youngster's mash and those I'm finishing. Mealworms and some fish meal. Oh man they never loved mealtime so much. Holy moley! Mixed in with FFeed. I am impressed. Marvellous eggs! Beautiful lustrous feathers. Happy birdies!
I have gone of all the soyabean they stuff everything with. Not great for birds not great for humans eating animal products. My expert pro poultry keeping friends that have been doing it for ages get their feed made to order. So what they WANT and NEEDis in it. I am now going that road. I put their vits in the water with ACV. They get extra eggs and shell fed back and aglime grit. I am now adding pollard to the youngster's mash and those I'm finishing. Mealworms and some fish meal. Oh man they never loved mealtime so much. Holy moley! Mixed in with FFeed. I am impressed. Marvellous eggs! Beautiful lustrous feathers. Happy birdies!
Hi Jacqdiva! What do you mix in your feed? And may I ask, what is pollard?

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