Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Someone on the other FF thread~the one I started~did the math on it. She keeps meticulous accounting records on her farm expenditures. I can't remember her exact figures, nor did I save her post, but she had been spending 2K+ on feed each year, but that number was down to around $1200+, if my memory is serving me well. It worked out to little over half the amount she was spending before FF. Her numbers were pretty impressive.

Thanks Bee. I'm not surprised at all. I'd do a trial, but I already believe that FF is the way to go, so I'd be hard pressed to feed a control group non-FF when I know they'd suffer because of it. If my production ever gets to the point that I can justify it, I'll do it. It'll probably be with quail, as they finish in 8 weeks, so it'll be a quick comparison. I'll see if I can set it up this summer, but I'm on a VERY small lot downtown in a city, so I'll have to play it by ear.
I just got started with chickens (again), 2RIR & 2EE that made 20wks today and have had them on FF since I got them at 2wks. Started a 50# bag of chick starter Nov 30 which finished up Feb 7th, then on Multi Purpose. I don't know the numbers but I know for sure I'm not having to buy feed as often as I had in the past! The benefits is a big plus; less poop that's firmer & not so stinky, feather are shiny, no feed waste at all and from what I've read the nutritious!

The "problem" I'll have is when I got visit Grandkids, Hubby will be doing the feeding, cleaning & maintaining :( He says he'll continue as I am but not a "care giver" :( I'm beginning to wonder if I should just turn them on to dry feed, returning them to FF when I get back (3wks)?

A month before I make my trip, he'll need to spend time "training & socializing" with them. How crazy is this, I haven't made my reservations & think a lot of it is I'm not wanting to leave my chickens :0
No Worries! Just fly me out there and I'll take care of them EXACTLY as you would. I'll also feed your husband very well and make beer for him, if it'll seal the deal.

Seriously (though I'd seriously do whatever you want if you fly me out
), if you get FF started and going, it'll be just as easy to FF as to feed dry. Just scoop and replace. Tell your hubby that it's cheaper and less smelly to feed FF than dry and he should be fine. If he'd not sure, I can brew beer, make mead and distill rum. I can do all of that in 3 weeks. Just saying...

Have fun with your grandkids. That's the best job in the world, according to my parents.
In my experience it has cut my feed bill by 40-50%. During the really cold (sub freezing) months I switch over to dry and the waste is abysmal... The past 2 months, my feed bill has about doubled. They are now back on FF.
No Worries! Just fly me out there and I'll take care of them EXACTLY as you would. I'll also feed your husband very well and make beer for him, if it'll seal the deal.

Seriously (though I'd seriously do whatever you want if you fly me out
), if you get FF started and going, it'll be just as easy to FF as to feed dry. Just scoop and replace. Tell your hubby that it's cheaper and less smelly to feed FF than dry and he should be fine. If he'd not sure, I can brew beer, make mead and distill rum. I can do all of that in 3 weeks. Just saying...

Have fun with your grandkids. That's the best job in the world, according to my parents.

Thanks for the offer, he'd love the benefit of homemade beer :) He's a penny pincher, think saving monies may do the trick, ha ha.

I was once told "Being a GrandParent is the BEST" and I agree.....We can spoil the kids & send them back "home"
I made a feeder last year out of a 5 gal bucket with a potting tray underneath. I cut slots around the sides of the bucket and the feed fills the tray by gravity. This makes things a ton easier on me and my wife as with meaties we are moving the feeder twice a day (12 hrs on 12 hrs off) and can just grab the bucket and go.

As much I want to do FF I don't think it will work with this type of feeder. I guess I have a length of gutter that was given to me and I could make a feeder out of that. If I learn how much they eat in a day then I can just slop that much in the feeder and not have to take it in/out.

Any thoughts/experiences?
The FF in the bucket will last weeks without going bad. Just slop a bunch in the feed trough and see how much they finish in about 15-20 minutes. Then you'll know how much to put in there. A little more or less will do minimum damage. If you see your meaties growing too fast (potential health issues, then lessen the amount. If you WANT to fatten them up some, just add more.
The FF in the bucket will last weeks without going bad. Just slop a bunch in the feed trough and see how much they finish in about 15-20 minutes. Then you'll know how much to put in there. A little more or less will do minimum damage. If you see your meaties growing too fast (potential health issues, then lessen the amount. If you WANT to fatten them up some, just add more.

I'm picturing the FF to be thick and won't "flow" out the bottom of the bucket like the dry stuff will. Almost like spent grains in a mash (for any of you brewers out there). Will the bucket feeder even work? I guess I will try it out and see this spring...
I'm picturing the FF to be thick and won't "flow" out the bottom of the bucket like the dry stuff will. Almost like spent grains in a mash (for any of you brewers out there). Will the bucket feeder even work? I guess I will try it out and see this spring...

It's a lot like spent grains. If you had large holes it would probably flow out but you may need to have enough weight in the bucket to keep it moving.

I've got a couple of bucket style feeders that have sloped bottoms. They may work better, but I don't know. I would also like to fill a bucket and not have to worry about it every day.

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