Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I was thinking I should figure out how to make my own apple cider vinegar, but figuring it would be a pain in the ***. A few weeks ago I racked off 3/4 of a jug of hard cider that I made and left the rest to settle so I could rack it off. I forgot about it and just remembered today. I went to siphon it off and found that it was well on it's way to ACV.

As George W. would say, Mission Accomplished!

I guess it's not too hard after all.
Lol! I have a gallon glass jug of hard cider that got lost in our move six yrs ago, just forgot about it, most of the 10 gal batch I primed and bottled in champagne bottles. Found it last yr, It's definitely ACV, mother on bottom really clear, I don't dare use it though.
Started feeding my birds FF this winter, they seemed to like it, didn't hear any complaints. Stopped when it froze solid, warm again now so I'm checking out everyone's methods, some good info here, thanks!
Started feeding my birds FF this winter, they seemed to like it, didn't hear any complaints. Stopped when it froze solid, warm again now so I'm checking out everyone's methods, some good info here, thanks!

I know it's not 'Hoyle' but I ferment only certain grains...brown rice, corn, boss and oats. The brown rice is not cheap but they really like it and so do I. It comes in a 50 pound bag for $31.75 (human grade) and since my family loves it too...I consider the price a bargain.
Ordered my first 30 Cornish cross and built a mobile chicken tractor to move daily. Wanting to let them out to eat bugs and forage for couple hours every other day at least. 8 x 8 tractor. Located in Arkansas. Summer gets into the 100's. Any tips? I ve read many articles but open for suggestions. Also going to build a barrel drum style plucker before processing. Any thoughts on using washing machine motor?
Ordered my first 30 Cornish cross and built a mobile chicken tractor to move daily. Wanting to let them out to eat bugs and forage for couple hours every other day at least. 8 x 8 tractor. Located in Arkansas. Summer gets into the 100's. Any tips? I ve read many articles but open for suggestions. Also going to build a barrel drum style plucker before processing. Any thoughts on using washing machine motor?
Is the tractor solid or wire sided? Keep it in the shade or use shade cloth to give them shade. Also keep it where the wind/breeze/air circulation can get to it. Your hot, humid weather will be hard on them as they get bigger. Freeze water in ice cream tubs or whatever you have handy and put the chunks in their water to give them a cool drink. Don't over crowd them in the tractor, 15 out one day and 15 out the next to give them more air circulation.

I got nothing on the washing machine motor.....
Ok I've read the first 20 or so pages and the last 10, I'm not going to read all 1700 pages :) I have a question and I know this has been covered, just not sure if it's in one post anywhere. This goes out to BeeKissed and the others that have been feeding their meat birds FF for a few years now.
1) do you start your chicks off with FF chick starter
2) at what age do you switch them to grower ration
3) what % protein are you shooting for in your mix, I will be moving mine daily in tractors, I know not as good as free ranging but it's what I have for now.
4) at what age are you butchering, and what weights are you getting on your birds dressed.
Ok I've read the first 20 or so pages and the last 10, I'm not going to read all 1700 pages :) I have a question and I know this has been covered, just not sure if it's in one post anywhere. This goes out to BeeKissed and the others that have been feeding their meat birds FF for a few years now.
1) do you start your chicks off with FF chick starter
2) at what age do you switch them to grower ration
3) what % protein are you shooting for in your mix, I will be moving mine daily in tractors, I know not as good as free ranging but it's what I have for now.
4) at what age are you butchering, and what weights are you getting on your birds dressed.

Start with FF chick starter and switch to FF grower on schedule. Having free-ranged birds, I think tractors are better.

I'm focusing on quail now, so someone else will have to answer #4 for you, but it should be around week 8-10, depending on how much you're counting on pasture for feed and if you're limiting them. Butcher at target weight.

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