Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

What I'm trying to do is get away from the GMO corn & soy, which is a high % of the grower feeds. so I'm looking for something to boost the protein a bit; guess I may have to bite the bullet and have the feed store order some organic for me.... Glad to hear that on your brahmas and orps. I'll be hatching some orps out as soon as these pullets are further along.

Here's a thought for you. I order my feed from a feed mill that mills their own feed rather than ordering pre-milled stuff from other sources. You might want to check around your area to see if there are any feed mills. To avoid GMO, I have 2 options. I can either order organic or order non-GMO but not organic. They will make the recipe to protein percentage based on what I "don't want" in the feed. I specified "soy-free" and they gave me a few options for content at the protein percent I wanted.

The negative thing was that I had to minimum order 300 lbs (!) and I have very few birds. The positive is that I put out a note on the "organic chickens" group on yahoo to see if anyone was in my area that wanted to share. Someone replied immediately and we've been sharing "happily ever-after".

Your local mill may not have that kind of minimum, however. Worth checking it out.
Gotta post that into a link, Brutus, for us to be able to follow it.....

Is this the thread you were wanting to show? https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/705424/our-experiment-with-fermented-food-for-meaties
thanks bee., no it is this one https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/672135/meatie-experiment-ff-vs-crumbles
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I had to share don't remember when I started my flock on ff it's probably been at least a month, anyway, egg production had been way down, like out of 15 laying hens getting 2-3 eggs a day for the longest time, well today I hit the jackpot 7 eggs. I know it has to do with the ff, nothing else has changed except daylight . So excited.
Here's a thought for you. I order my feed from a feed mill that mills their own feed rather than ordering pre-milled stuff from other sources. You might want to check around your area to see if there are any feed mills. To avoid GMO, I have 2 options. I can either order organic or order non-GMO but not organic. They will make the recipe to protein percentage based on what I "don't want" in the feed. I specified "soy-free" and they gave me a few options for content at the protein percent I wanted.

The negative thing was that I had to minimum order 300 lbs (!) and I have very few birds. The positive is that I put out a note on the "organic chickens" group on yahoo to see if anyone was in my area that wanted to share. Someone replied immediately and we've been sharing "happily ever-after".

Your local mill may not have that kind of minimum, however. Worth checking it out.

It would be so easy if I still lived in E. TX. Not easy here with any sort of feed mill 100+ miles away. Just no agriculture in my immediate neighborhood. But I will be looking into what might be available elsewhere, even if I have to order larger amounts at a time. Will also check with my feed store about what they can get organic and how many bags do I need to buy at once to get a price break.
Gave my flock fermented feed for the first time today, they weren't thrilled, but they ate it. They are gonna have to learn to like it because it's all they're getting from now on!
I had a problem getting it to drain though. I'm using the bucket in a bucket method, but my mix is 90% layer crumbles because that's all I had when I started it (plus some whole oats). I think the crumbles-turned-mush is just plugging up the holes I drilled. Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas how to fix it?
Yes....just don't mix it so wet. It isn't necessary to keep the entire amount submerged in the fermented water. Just mix it to a peanut butter consistency and don't bother draining it out. You'll have to play with it a bit, but just keep the dryer stuff mixed toward the bottom each time you go to feed. When I first open my bucket, the stuff on top looks a little dry and crumbly...I just mix it towards the bottom and bring up the more moist and mortar-like stuff and feed it.

It helps too if you have some holes drilled in the bottom of your feeder to let out any excess moisture standing there. I have holes in my feeder, holes in my scoop and holes in my bucket...I guess you could say I have a holy setup for the chickens.
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GOOD ONE!! Very simple solution, my favorite kind! I have to buy feed tomorrow, any recommendation on which whole grains to use? I believe I can get 3 50# bags in my storage bin, so I was going to go with 1/3 crumbles or pellets, 1/3 some whole grain, 1/3 some other whole grain. Thoughts? Thanks for the help
PigeonGuy described another method here:


I tried the Holy Bucket, peanut butter approach and pigeon method. My least favourite is the Holy Bucket.

I'm currently using the pigeon method and using alfalfa pellots to help soak up the liquid.
What is the pigeon method?

eta: oh the pigeon method is the method used by pigeon guy?? yes, i am a genius.

seems to me the peanut butter method is easier, or at least fewer steps. more my my style.
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PigeonGuy described another method here:


I tried the Holy Bucket, peanut butter approach and pigeon method. My least favourite is the Holy Bucket.

I'm currently using the pigeon method and using alfalfa pellots to help soak up the liquid.

All I can think of is, "Holy bucket, Batman..."

(I think our kind of bucket w/holes would be, "holey"....)

PS: Sorry for my strange sense of humor. Not trying to make fun of anyone!!!! Just struck me funny
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