Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I had one chick that had a poopy butt when I got her and it didn't really get any better until just recently. She had been on the FF for several weeks before it got better. I think she/he was growing so fast, that her butt just got bigger than she could handle. LOL Her other two coopmates, same age, didn't have the problem. But, they haven't grown like this one has. It's all better now. I don't see any stripe marks on this chick anymore.
Bee, have you ever thought of making a video? Some people, such as myself, are more visual and learn faster when they can watch someone with experience.

I'm a little camera shy....big gal and all.
Even those 10 extra pounds that the camera adds would be lost in my silhoutte.
Not much into all that but there are excellent videos out there of this type of "field" dressing, mostly on hunting videos on YouTube. Just look for field dressing of pheasants or some such and this technique will likely show up.
I had one chick that had a poopy butt when I got her and it didn't really get any better until just recently. She had been on the FF for several weeks before it got better. I think she/he was growing so fast, that her butt just got bigger than she could handle. LOL Her other two coopmates, same age, didn't have the problem. But, they haven't grown like this one has. It's all better now. I don't see any stripe marks on this chick anymore.
the ferment i feel is great for chicks. i start at day one. never had a pasty butt. the chicks feather out faster and grow nicely. even the cornish x meat birds on fermented feed are not the dreaded birds people make them out to be.fermented feed is the way to go. just over all superb to non fermented i have not found one drawback.
I'm talking broody hen poop.. When they hold it for days and then let er rip. Nothing is worse.
I've smelled rotting flesh and broody poop takes the cake.. Especially if it is in a confined area..
At least my broodies are stinky.. :sick

Thanks - something else for me to look forward to. We need a stinky poo icon for this thread:D.

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