Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I've used it before and I liked it. I had to get Spectrum Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (unpasteurized with the "mother"). It also is diluted with water to 5% acidity. It tastes very appley and much less intense than Braggs. I can't tell a difference in the FF. Haven't used Omega Nutrition brand for a long time. Do you like it?

I haven't tried anything else, so I can't compare.. I do like it though. Smells really good. At least compared to a filtered ACV.

Not all the time.  When you stir it you may see a few, if you let it sit and the grains soak up the excess water, you may find holes in the top of the grain the next day....looks like perfect little bug holes where the bubbles have risen to the surface and came out.  It doesn't foam and bubble all the time it ferments like yeast does to a bread sponge, particularly if it's not all that warm.  During the warmer months I saw much more gas bubbles in my FF. 

Oh okay, Yeah I see bubbles when I stir. I just want to make sure I have fermentation going on. I am not draining like everyone else. Once I go through half of the garbage can, I add more to it. Keeps some of the old with it. It sets for at least 24 hours after I feed. Thing is, I don't know how I would do it otherwise.. I could not lift that garbage can and let drain like you guys do with your buckets. I just have way too many birds to feed that way.
I don't drain mine out right now either as I have a very fine mash that doesn't drain well like my previous mash and grain mix. I just mix my FF a little thicker and don't keep it all soupy like everyone else is doing. Mine sort of has the consistency of a thick mortar.
Pigeonguy I live in south central Iowa. I don't have any chickens yet but am planning on getting some in the spring. It has been a LONGGGG time since I have had any. So I am not a total newbie but with it so long ago I feel like have forgotten quite a lot about them. Thanks for the welcome!
Pigeonguy I live in south central Iowa. I don't have any chickens yet but am planning on getting some in the spring. It has been a LONGGGG time since I have had any. So I am not a total newbie but with it so long ago I feel like have forgotten quite a lot about them. Thanks for the welcome!
So what is in your mind to get in the spring? And What are you thoughts for a feed? List some ingredients if you would I am 250 miles from you on the other side of Morrison IL..
I looked on google maps and you are about 109 miles from Dekalb feeds they are a commodity broker and feed mill only 11 dollars and some change for starter grower a 50 pound bag. They have every grain and other feed items you could ever imagine from all over the world. They also have a nutritionist that will help you for no extra cost. I'm lucky I am about 15 miles from the one in Rockfalls. I am working on a new feed formula always but especially now. I would like to come up with a healthier formula than there's but be around their price.That is why I am curious what you are going to do.
Oh and if you are going organic it might be worth the drive. They have any organic grain or can get it that you want. That's my understanding any way.
There are 4 of us that go together (once I get the formula done) and buy a half ton to a ton at a time a real money saver. Cheaper than the mill I'm at now.
Whatever we get I will be fermenting. Your the closest person I have met on here.
Well my FF isa cookin. One question I know with usin crumbles it will be mushy but, wonderin if my holes in the inside bucket are big enough. The water flowed into them but won't flow out. Should I leave em and see what it does? I have a walk in pantry so my mix is inside. At least until husband smells it. He thinks it'll make the whole house smell.
By the way I red somewhere that DH didn't stand for dumb husband. So what does it stand for?
Well my FF isa cookin. One question I know with usin crumbles it will be mushy but, wonderin if my holes in the inside bucket are big enough. The water flowed into them but won't flow out. Should I leave em and see what it does? I have a walk in pantry so my mix is inside. At least until husband smells it. He thinks it'll make the whole house smell.
By the way I red somewhere that DH didn't stand for dumb husband. So what does it stand for?

I don't think your whole house will smell. I keep mine in my son's bedroom (he's away at college) and I smell it when I walk into the room, but it isn't overpowering or anything, and never smell it outside the room.

What some people (I think pigeonguy is one) have done if it comes out too soupy and won't drain is add dry crumble to it and let it soak up the extra before you feed it.

DH? Huh, I always thought it meant Delightfully Handsome ... but I guess I could be wrong ...
Pigeonguy I live in south central Iowa. I don't have any chickens yet but am planning on getting some in the spring. It has been a LONGGGG time since I have had any. So I am not a total newbie but with it so long ago I feel like have forgotten quite a lot about them. Thanks for the welcome!

I can TOTALLY relate :) I was away from them for 10 years, and often catch myself saying, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Out loud, even.
Like, "Oh yeah, I forgot about poop on the porch steps!" "Oh yeah, I forgot about redistributing all my mulch!"
Why does everyone use DE?
I never suggest it to anyone. It's such a waste of money IMO. Costs $10 for a freezer bag full.
I'll stick to wood ash.

I use it because I don't have any wood ash. (pretty much a permanent burn ban in my area) I don't feed it to my hens, though.

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