Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Yes but the crumbles are compressed.
I may just be blowing hot air here. It just seemed that way to me.

I've noticed that pellets and crumbles expand and puff up more than mash - especially the pellets. Some of that is water absorption and some of that is the tiny air bubbles that are embedded in the feed.

The mash that I'm using now does not expand or puff up nearly as much because it i's just crushed / cut whole grains (and other stuff) - not processed into a crumble or pellet.

I used to have bucket overflow problems with crumbles and pellet and the FF is cooking just as nicely with the non-puffing mash feed.

Not that it's good or bad - just a difference I noticed.
Ok, would you mind sharing how you did this? I don't have ducks or geese but I like to know how to fix things. :D
I taped the wing with packing tape in place. Kept on for a week and removed. I kept checking daily to make sure it was not too tight.
Here is where I started noticing it. I didn't take pictures of the taped wing, but I tucked it back into place easily and taped around the joints.
Here she is a couple weeks later after treatment (front).
My ducks love it. Macy does as well. Have you added scratch to your FF? I did to break down some of the %'s - and anything with scratch in it is a hit
I keep a gallon percolating. I added a cup of chick scratch and a cup of BOSS to mine. The roo loves it and will gobble up huge beakfuls of the stuff. I also would like to know out of curiosity if this is good for geese.
sorry if this was already answered but after a half hour of searching this thread ...

OK, My feed is finally bubbling 76 hours later! Yeah

Smell is now a bit alchoholic - like a nice riesling

I like my Hens Happy but not that happy

Should I wait for the mix to change some more or am I OK?
Well my FF isa cookin. One question I know with usin crumbles it will be mushy but, wonderin if my holes in the inside bucket are big enough. The water flowed into them but won't flow out. Should I leave em and see what it does? I have a walk in pantry so my mix is inside. At least until husband smells it. He thinks it'll make the whole house smell.
By the way I red somewhere that DH didn't stand for dumb husband. So what does it stand for?
My FF sits on the fireplace hearth or on the kitchen counter, No nasty smells at all just that pleasant sweet/sour smell. And its not strong at all. I usually only smell it when I take the *lid* off to stir it. The *lid* is only to stop my 2 dogs from eating all the FF since they have decided it tastes wonderful
Quote: I use layer pellets and I have to add water a few times until I get the correct consistency I want for the FF. Also alfalfa pellets do the same. I add a LOT of water to get them to completely break down into fluff. As for it going thru the holes into the bottom bucket, yes some does but not a lot & the holes I made in the bucket are at least around as a pencil diameter if not a little larger. That silt that seeps through keeps feeding the mother and when I remember I scoop it out and add to the FF
I started my FF Friday using the 2 buckets, my bottom bucket was used for my Shepperd water bucket previously. We brought her inside 2 mth ago(she is 14 yr old) since then there was some algae already grown on the inside from standing water. I scrubbed it, bleached it, rinsed it. Let it air out, rinsed it some more. My FF was good to go on Sunday. I keep it inside my pantry with a towel covering it. This morning when I went to add more feed to it I noticed floating white flakes in bottom bucket (maybe froth in a more solid form). When i lifted the bucket out of it I noticed a lil of the algae residue that i couldn't remove was coming off the sides (guessing from the ACV). I have stirred the FF daily but not the water in bottom bucket. Since there is good bacteria in FF should I worry? Should I empty bottom bucket rewash and add more water with ACV? Or should I dump it all and start over.

I had no problems with my chickens before DH had a co-worker pick him up some hens. Those hens were all congested and sinusy. Since he was the fool that paid $50 for these I figured work with em and see what can be done. That was 2 1/2 wks ago. Their all slowly gettin better (except the one I did cull) thanks to all the info. from this forum. I have noticed a lil bit of congestion in my other chickens figure I got them early on and all natural remedies may take some time. Diarrhea subsided super fast, all have very firm poo. They free range most days when I'm home and seem to be doin that better, farther away from coop(but still safely) happier and healthier. This morning they were all singing.
sorry if this was already answered but after a half hour of searching this thread ...

OK, My feed is finally bubbling 76 hours later! Yeah

Smell is now a bit alchoholic - like a nice riesling

I like my Hens Happy but not that happy

Should I wait for the mix to change some more or am I OK?

You're OK...it will deepen as time goes along and you keep adding to the mix and replenishing the water. The more fermented, the more cultures present.
I started my FF Friday using the 2 buckets, my bottom bucket was used for my Shepperd water bucket previously. We brought her inside 2 mth ago(she is 14 yr old) since then there was some algae already grown on the inside from standing water. I scrubbed it, bleached it, rinsed it. Let it air out, rinsed it some more. My FF was good to go on Sunday. I keep it inside my pantry with a towel covering it. This morning when I went to add more feed to it I noticed floating white flakes in bottom bucket (maybe froth in a more solid form). When i lifted the bucket out of it I noticed a lil of the algae residue that i couldn't remove was coming off the sides (guessing from the ACV). I have stirred the FF daily but not the water in bottom bucket. Since there is good bacteria in FF should I worry? Should I empty bottom bucket rewash and add more water with ACV? Or should I dump it all and start over.

I had no problems with my chickens before DH had a co-worker pick him up some hens. Those hens were all congested and sinusy. Since he was the fool that paid $50 for these I figured work with em and see what can be done. That was 2 1/2 wks ago. Their all slowly gettin better (except the one I did cull) thanks to all the info. from this forum. I have noticed a lil bit of congestion in my other chickens figure I got them early on and all natural remedies may take some time. Diarrhea subsided super fast, all have very firm poo. They free range most days when I'm home and seem to be doin that better, farther away from coop(but still safely) happier and healthier. This morning they were all singing.

I wouldn't worry too much. It shouldn't progress any further and the probios in the FF will keep everything else in check if you feed and water them.
My goslings free ranged from 2 weeks onward. One still developed angel wing. I corrected it.
I think some birds may be genetically predispositioned to developing angel wing. It may be a combination of both. My girls had free access to feed though, and ate a lot of it.
I do think geese get angel wing more often than ducks. Not a single one of my calls had it. I raised 12 of them on high protein feed.
Sounds about when I started my birds on the free range too. I've raised 2 goslings on the 20% and many ducks on it as well. Only this last batch had it also fermented. So far I haven't seen any angel wing. I do agree that there is probably a genetic component involved. I spent a lot of time looking at pictures and checking on how to bandage if it showed up, but so far all my birds have had no problem. I plan on having goslings this spring and once again I will be worrying and watching for any signs of the angel wing, particularly with the available protein boost of the ff. It is impossible to say how much the high protein plays in this versus the genetics. Thanks for the very clear pictures of the before and after. Your geese are beautiful! It is really nice to see that the bandaging really works should it become necessary.

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