Fermenting Feed


Aug 15, 2021
I'm trying to ferment my chicken feed.
I out nature's best organic layer pellets in the mason jar, added water, left lid just barely on, set on the back of my countertop. Stirring once a day. Today is the third day it's been in there. It smells like broccoli. Is this normal? I hear people say it should have a smell like yogurt. This does not remind me of yogurt. I do have the bubbles happening. A bit of the feed seems to be setting on top of the water like it rose up with the bubbles. Any thoughts? It looks okay to me except I'm not sure it should remind me of broccoli.
If it smells like broccoli to you, it may have a sulfur-based odor, which is not what you want in a lactofermentation. Fermenting feed should smell a bit sour, but not like rotten eggs. Mine smells like sourdough bread dough before it's baked. This thread may be helpful.

Did you use dechlorinated or filtered water? If not, the chemicals in treated tap water may have inhibited proper fermentation.

Hang in there - it may not happen the first time you make it. 🙂
There are lots of ways to do it, but I'd suggest stirring 2-4 times a day, scraping down the sides of the container each time, and leaving the lid off for all of day 1. If it's covered too much, it may not be able to grab enough beneficial bacteria from the air.
Thank you.
If it smells like broccoli to you, it may have a sulfur-based odor, which is not what you want in a lactofermentation. Fermenting feed should smell a bit sour, but not like rotten eggs. Mine smells like sourdough bread dough before it's baked. This thread may be helpful.

Did you use dechlorinated or filtered water? If not, the chemicals in treated tap water may have inhibited proper fermentation.

Hang in there - it may not happen the first time you make it. 🙂
Thank you. We have well water. And I can smell it when I stand near my sink so I'm thinking I'm going to toss it and try again. Do you ferment pellets or a different kind of feed?
The smell probably varies depending on what type of feed you're using, and of course your own perception. Mine just smells... funky - not like broccoli, yogurt or bread. I don't cover it nor do I actively try to stir it, and I start feeding early (at 24 hour mark) and simply use it until it's mostly gone, then start a new batch along with whatever's left in the jar.

I use whole grain mash feed for fermenting though, and feed pellets dry.
The smell probably varies depending on what type of feed you're using, and of course your own perception. Mine just smells... funky - not like broccoli, yogurt or bread. I don't cover it nor do I actively try to stir it, and I start feeding early (at 24 hour mark) and simply use it until it's mostly gone, then start a new batch along with whatever's left in the jar.

I use whole grain mash feed for fermenting though, and feed pellets dry.
Thank you. I will probably try to ferment the scratch grains. Think that will work? I'm going to try sprouting too :)

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