Fermenting feed?


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Sophia, NC
So I'm interested in fermenting my chicken's feed but I don't have a bucket with a lid, is there a way to do it in a container that doesn't have a lid?
You can use a bowl with a plate on top of it. I use a 5 gal bucket with apizza pan on top. The bucket i feef from haa no lid. I have a 2 bucket rotation. One that i feed from and one that is fermenting.
I am using 2 plastic folgers coffee cans (I just dont snap the lids all the way on)...the ones about 3 lb size for the time being until my kitty litter pail is empty
So the fermented feed had been working well for well over a month using the backfill method however for the last 2 weeks they have not been wanting to eat it...no mold, no strange smells same dry crumbe...yesterday I offered dry crumble as well as the mash...still not eating much any questions? I have dumbed the last of the mash in the compost and have started over any other suggestions? is it feed fatugue ?

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