
Sometimes, Kathy, a dark blue one will fool me for quite awhile. If they don't end up with green sheen in their plumage, it's what some call "dull black" or just dark blue. I think the splashes are the cutest.
YAY Splashes are awesome! Watch those blacks because Athena looked black for several weeks before we determined she was a blue.



1 week old


It was 3 weeks before she was clearly blue

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Oh, wow! Now I think I might have all three colors then!

I have to take some pictures. I just haven't had time, and now I am at work.

Best news is ... a girl at work bought the Turkens! YAY, the Turkens have gone to their new home!
Turkens? Are they those gawdawful things with no feathers on their head or neck? Guuuuck!!! Sorry to anyone to fancies them. No offense intended. I just prefer my chickens to look like...well....CHICKENS!!!

Cetawin, once you're all settled in your new digs, any chance of convincing you to send me a few of Thor and Athena's eggs?
Please? Please? Pwettty Pweeese?!?! With sugar on top?
Lordy what a beautiful pair they are going to make! And the babies are going to be drop dead gorgeous!!!
Sure I will. He is gonna have some other big women too....a splash cochin, a red cochin, 2 BOs and maybe an Aussie or 2. Once I figure out what Athena is going to lay, I can separate hers
Sure I will. He is gonna have some other big women too....a splash cochin, a red cochin, 2 BOs and maybe an Aussie or 2. Once I figure out what Athena is going to lay, I can separate hers

How many more weeks before she is supposed to start laying?

Refresh my memory...aren't Cochin's the ones with the cute muffed feet and little beards? I just lurvs them fluffy feet!

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