
Fine!!! You asked for it!! **insert evil grin here** And the battle for Athena begins!! **starts slamming things around in the kitchen, digging through cupboards for my own secret ingredients, and furiously begins concocting the perfect dish to bribe Cetawin with** Yer just soooo gonna regret this!!!
You don't stand a chance woman!!! Heaven help you if I find out what her secret weakness is!!! You're done for if I do!! Especially if it falls into the category of deserts!! Oooh! I iz sooo good at deserts!! Death by Chocolate anyone??? Mwwuuuaaahaaaahaaaahaaaa!!!!
BBS Orps are rather like cats. They don't need you nor particularly like you, but if you have something to eat, they'll tolerate you long enough to snatch it from your hands. And then they snub you till they want something again.
Oooh! I'm way past lookin woman!! You just better pray she's not addicted to chocolate! You is in a heap o' big trouble if she is!! I gots me a desert here sure to knock her socks off! She'll swoon for sure and when she does, that's when I dart in and grab Athena!!!
Might as well give up now Beth! You is in waaaaay over your head Girl!!!!
**Insert evil laugh here**
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BUT, she said, smiling sweetly, after April 1, I am MUCH closer. . . . .

Cynthia, you have never met my cats. Lap babies and lovers all of them- I could only WISH Ultrasuede was like them!
Another thing, Robin, is that they're pretty and they know it and they relish their role as eye candy as in "Look at me. I'm too pretty to lay eggs!", which is what I always imagined Velvet saying when cocked her head up as I told her I expected at least a few eggs this week. I miss that goofy girl. She at least had a bit of personality!
BBS Orps are rather like cats. They don't need you nor particularly like you, but if you have something to eat, they'll tolerate you long enough to snatch it from your hands. And then they snub you till they want something again.

Wow! You just described FussyButt to a "T"!
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Did I hear Death by Chocolate? did I? WHERE IS IT?

However, in all fairness I must tell the truth about Athena.... she is a self-absorbed, prissy, screaming beautiful girl. As long as you feed and water her then you are free to drop dead right there beside her...she would not mind. And whoa be it on your head if you dare think you shall touch her....oh the screaming fit that follows...that of a brutally tortured animal right before its death....Thor just looks at her and walks away now. He knows what she is all about.
But Thor seems to like her so she can stay a while longer.

Cyn's description of Orps does not accurately describe Athena...she will not lower herself to come snatch food from your hand...Oh No she is not having it. she will wait somewhere away from you and thor will bring her stuff to her but not the human.
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