
I'm just curious..what does it cost to send a roo from one side of the country to the other? Has anyone ever done that? Does anyone know? I've never even considered it...I have not one clue...
It would be interesting to know what shipping costs would be. Probably a darn sight more than baby chicks I'm sure!!
It's quite expensive and you need a special bio-filter box, plus you are really supposed to be NPIP certified or have a vet's certificate. I think they go by weight, but it would most likely be over $30 for shipping.
Well shoot! That's not so bad...I thought you were gonna tell me somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 or more! To which I would say, YES! That would be a bit steep for my blood....but $30? Plus the cost of a vet certification....hmmmmmmmmmm....... *insert scheming chuckle here**
I may be underestimating the cost since it depends on the weight and the distance. Today, poor Dutch is in the hospital cage on top of Zane's cage. His women had his comb bleeding and so on the right side of Suede's coop are Isaac on the bottom in the broody pen, Zane on top of that in his special cage and Dutch on top of Zane in the big wire dog kennel we call the hospital. I have Triple Decker Roosters and a Suede on the side.
Two of the perps in Dutch's flock are my beautiful RIR hens. I may sell the smaller two and keep the biggest girl and see if that helps. They're great layers in their prime so someone should want them if I decide to do that. As you know, all chickens will pick at a bloody area, but the RIR ladies always seem to be looking for a place to chomp down on.
Daaang Cyn! What do you have those ladies hopped up on? Maybe y'all need to cut back on the protein or something!?! Those girls are just getting a little too mean! Poor Dutchie boy!!
You do know you need to post pics of a triple decker roo stack, don't ya! Especially when it comes with a side of Suede!
Now THAT'S something you don't see every day!

How are Ivy and Livvie doing? Anyone else I need to be sending some special thoughts and good vibes out to??
Thanks for asking about Ivy and Olivia. Livvie still has a larger than normal abdomen and still isn't laying. She keeps on trucking. Ivy looks fabulous, great color, glossy plumage, but her abdomen still feels like it's not quite right. Another one I am watching is my oldest Buff Orp, Ginger. We gave her penicillin maybe six months ago or more, at the same time as Ivy's second infection happened. It drained the fluid from her abdomen, but she has not laid an egg since then. Those eggs have to be going somewhere and I'm afraid they're building in her oviduct and I'll find her passed away one day.

I checked back through the threads and it's been about eight months since Ginger laid an egg. I always know her eggs, so I'm quite sure about this. I lost Rosemary, my runt RIR, after she hadn't produced an egg in eight months, so not sure how long I'll have Ginger.
Well, apparently, I do not have enough to worry about--Shadow prolapsed. Pushed it back in (twice actually), used prepH ointment, put her in the dark in one of the broody pens with vitamin water and feed so she can't be hassled. She doesn't lay eggs too large for her and has never had any issues till now.

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