
NOOOOOOOOOO!! Not Shadow!!!! This is crazy! Your poor girls- this is not fair. You take perfect care of your babies!

As to Ginger- so if they don't lay for a long time, the eggs build up and eventually kill them? How is she acting? I am curious, not just because it's you and Ginger, which I DO care a great deal about, but my neighbor's BR is huddled up a lot, seems tired, hasn't laid in months, and doesn't eat and drink with gusto anymore. Is there anything you can do to get her laying again? What causes this?

Hugs for you, Cynthia, I wish I could help you deal with all this!
The egg materials build up in the oviducts and sort of cook in there. Ends up being a cheesy looking mass that when cut open, has layer upon layer, like an onion. There's nothing that can be done other than surgery and a hysterectomy because once that cycle begins, it just keeps on and keeps on. Ginger acts fairly normal for Ginger. She walks, eats, drinks, etc. Her color is good, but she seems a bit thin for a normally large hen. You cannot feel a mass in the abdomen, no fluid that I can sense in there, but that is the way most of them are. They begin to weaken and just get thinner and thinner.
Ditto what Beth said!
It's so unfair Cyn! I don't know of anyone who goes to such great lengths to assure their girls stay healthy and happy. And here you have all of these problems! It just isn't right!

These kinds of problems belong to the careless, mindless sort of people who can't even tell you what breed of chicken they have! Or how old each of them is! These kinds of problems should NOT be haunting you so often!

I'm keeping everything I can crossed that all of the problems that you and your girls are facing will have a happy outcome. I so hope things will take a turn for the better very soon!
Poor little things!
I just wish there was something I could do to help.
Cyn, I am still praying for the little princess.

Beth, internal laying is not soemthing there is a fix for short of a surgical hysterectomy.

Personally, I am sick and tired of all this illness you are going through Cyn, Ike being eaten, Dutch being eaten, Thor being hurt ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

To the powers that be: "Could you cut us a little slack please? We really want to love and enjoy our birds, not mend them and doctor them constantly. Please? Just a few months with no worries would be nice...a year would be even better?"

This should make you smile...not sure if you saw it in the Dellie thread but Serrin I am sure has not....when I brought Thor in yesterday to put medicine on his comb I was scratching his back and he did that cat thing...dropped his chect flat and hiked his fluffy butt in the air. I got pictures for you.


He finally dropped his head on the towel and just soaked up the scratches...this is just before his head hit the towel for lovin


I still get mad at Draco and Sirius everytime I look at my boy. *sigh* How do I make the first picture an avatar? hmmmmm
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