
You will love Dick Horstman's birds. I got eggs from him last year and they grew into spectacular birds. Very very pleased with them.

Okay, how did this happen? My bantam white rock pullet apparently honeymooned with my black cochin cockerel. The babies are barred rock type cockerels with feathered feet. Cute but weird looking. Apparently the white rock is carrying a barring gene?
It's possible. My Blue Orp has a barring gene from when Sandhill Preservation bred in Rocks to offset the inbreeding somewhat. That is why you will, on occasion, see a BBS Orp with yellow legs. Suede produced a completely barred son with my RIR/Buff Orp hen.
Here is Holly (Fern's first chick). She will live here forever, as she has stolen DS's heart! She is such a sweet little thing. She lives with the Dellies, and comes up for a chest rub and attention, just like they do! DS, Brock, has let it be known that Miss Holly is going nowhere!

Bet Meg's daughter is a beauty now, too, huh?

Well, since you asked!
I took pictures today, but Polly was not cooperating! She wanted nothing to do with it. She is now enjoying the outdoors, which is totally new to her! This is a terrible picture, but you can kinda see the beautiful blue lacing. Ohhhh, she is one gorgeous gal! I will get a better picture tomorrow.

They're both looking wonderful Kathy! How old are they now?

I sure hope some of these in the brooder grow up to at least look like BR's. Poor Rosie is the only BR in the flock right now. I kind of get the feeling she gets a bit lonely for her own kind. Might also explain why she spends so much time with Griffin. They're close to the same color. Plus it never hurts to be on the good side of the boss!!

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