Fertile eggs days apart


Jun 17, 2018
I've been doing the chicken thing for 4 years, but this is my first ever broody hen. I'm trying to learn as I go and have found loads of useful information, however, there is one thing I can't really find an answer for. Initially momma had 4 eggs under her. It appears as though the other hens are laying their eggs in the box with her, because she is now up to 9. She decided to go out straight away this morning when I opened the coop so I thought this would be a great time to candle the eggs. Three appear to be around day 8 (which is in line with the first date she became broody with just 4 eggs), but 2 of them appear to just be getting started, maybe around day 4 by the looks of the veining. My concern is the first 3 will clearly get to their hatching date several days before the others. Pending they all continue to develop (I will candle them again as we progress), will she stay on those younger eggs after the others begin to hatch? If she doesn't stay on them what do you suggest I do if they are nearly fully developed? I've thought if I pull them out and incubate them myself, would she 'adopt' them several days later? Lots of thoughts running through my head, so your experience is much appreciated! Thank you!
You have what we call a staggered hatch, usually not a good thing. If you don't do anything, the hen will have a choice to make when the first chicks hatch, does she take the first to hatch off to eat and drink and abandon the other eggs to die or let the first that hatch die from thirst and hunger while she tries to hatch the later ones. They practically always choose the ones that have already hatched.

The way to avoid this is to first collect all the eggs you want her to hatch, mark them, and start them all at the same time. Then check under her every day after the others have laid and remove any that don't belong. But that is for next time.

There are options, usually pretty stressful to you but sometimes they work. You have an incubator, that makes it easier. One option is to wait until she hatches the first ones and then put the remaining eggs in the incubator to try to hatch them. You could put the late eggs in the incubator now. This one is not my favorite but you can remove the first that hatch as they dry off and brood them yourself and hope she stays on the later eggs. I think this last one has more risk.

In any case you can try to put the chicks back with her after the last have hatched. Some hens will accept about any chick and try to mother it so you have a chance. But some doesn't mean all. You will need to be prepared to raise them yourself if it doesn't work out.

Good luck!
You have what we call a staggered hatch, usually not a good thing. If you don't do anything, the hen will have a choice to make when the first chicks hatch, does she take the first to hatch off to eat and drink and abandon the other eggs to die or let the first that hatch die from thirst and hunger while she tries to hatch the later ones. They practically always choose the ones that have already hatched.

The way to avoid this is to first collect all the eggs you want her to hatch, mark them, and start them all at the same time. Then check under her every day after the others have laid and remove any that don't belong. But that is for next time.

There are options, usually pretty stressful to you but sometimes they work. You have an incubator, that makes it easier. One option is to wait until she hatches the first ones and then put the remaining eggs in the incubator to try to hatch them. You could put the late eggs in the incubator now. This one is not my favorite but you can remove the first that hatch as they dry off and brood them yourself and hope she stays on the later eggs. I think this last one has more risk.

In any case you can try to put the chicks back with her after the last have hatched. Some hens will accept about any chick and try to mother it so you have a chance. But some doesn't mean all. You will need to be prepared to raise them yourself if it doesn't work out.

Good luck!
How many days apart can eggs be laid and still incubated together?
I set all the eggs I wanted to hatch at the same time. Sounds like you have some already 1/3 of the way, so you should decide now to keep them or not.

If you have an incubator, let them all hatch if you want that any chicks. Or let her hatch the 2 farther along.
How many days apart can eggs be laid and still incubated together?
It depends on how you store them. If you store them under "ideal" conditions they can easily last two weeks. Ideal conditions are 55 F (13 C) temperature, a pretty high humidity, and regular turning. Temperature should be stable, not cycling up and down. No breezes hitting them like from an AC vent, not in sunlight.

Most of us don't have ideal conditions. I store mine in a spare bedroom with the AC set at 72 to 78 F (22 to 26 C). Humidity can be pretty low. I turn them at least three times a day. I store them that way for a week and still get good hatches.

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