Fertile or not fertile? and for how long??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 20, 2008
Des Moines
I got two new hens today that have been exposed to a rooster. The dear lady who gave them to us warned us that their eggs could be fertile so if we don't want a brood in about a month we should watch out for hens who want to set on the eggs. I was wondering if anyone knows how long their eggs may be fertile after having been exposed to a rooster.

Thank you
First of all, it depends on the breed of chicken you have, because breeds like Silkies,and Cochins are broody, but breeds like RIR,BR,Leghorn,EEs and Sex-links don't generally go broody and chances are, your birds won't set. I have about 15 roos to 40 hens and usually they don't set.......
One is polish, the other is buff orpington. Thank you for your replies. I just wondered. I also have four americaunas and one in particular likes to try and sit on her eggs. I haven't brought the new ones into the flock with the ones I already have yet. They sure are beauties and so tame. The woman who raised them really spent time with them and they love being handled and loved.
We had an Ameraucana Roo that died in the defense of one of his hens. 3.5 weeks later we got to missing him and set two eggs from one of his hens--they were fertile and hatched two healthy chicks.

Cal lives on!
Wow! That is amazing and answers my question so well. I wouldn't have imagined they could keep laying fertile eggs for so long after being with the Rooster. Thank you so much for sharing that story.

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