fertility Question


6 Years
Jul 19, 2014
SF bay area CA
My males used to mate and on the times when the females would lay eggs (rarely) The eggs would be fertile but now none of the eggs are fertile anymore.
i know its winter but shouldnt there still be some?
How old are your birds? Winter already? I would suggest supplemental lighting if your birds arent laying. But if your males isnt breeding thats another story. I personally keep my quail 1 male to 7 females and they do quite well on fertility. Once a hen is mated she stays fertile for up to a week. That is why 1 male can comfortably breed so many hens in a breeding colony. He only needs to make his rounds to each hen every couple days.
If your male is mating, but fertility is still low i would suggest another male.
I live in the South and our problem is because of heat. The male can become sterile temporarily from extreme heat.

How old are your birds? Winter already? I would suggest supplemental lighting if your birds arent laying. But if your males isnt breeding thats another story. I personally keep my quail 1 male to 7 females and they do quite well on fertility. Once a hen is mated she stays fertile for up to a week. That is why 1 male can comfortably breed so many hens in a breeding colony. He only needs to make his rounds to each hen every couple days.
If your male is mating, but fertility is still low i would suggest another male.
I live in the South and our problem is because of heat. The male can become sterile temporarily from extreme heat.

13 to something. Its just starting to become fall. I have 14 females and they give 1 egg a day ( kinda sad but I'm A okay with it cuz they used to give me 2 eggs a month). I have 3 males in with 14 females. I know thats a lot but THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!! I would take the boys out if i see that they are stressing the girls but they aren't being stressed out. its pretty mild here in cali.
Only 1 egg a day from 14 females? I would say you have an issue there! What feed are you feeding? You should easily be getting 10 eggs a day at the least. What type of quail are you raising?

There are several types of chick starter. You need to read the label. Definitely no medicated feed, that is horrible for your birds, their little kidneys cant process the medicine. Secondly most chick starter is only about 20% protein. Not enough for the quick metabolism of quail. You need a feed with atleast 24% protein and 30% is better. Purina Gamebird Startina is an excellent feed. 30% protein and good growth. I think your birds are barely surviving on the feed you are giving them. Thats the reason they arent laying eggs, they simply dont have the extra energy to waste on laying eggs.
I would personally split your birds up into seperate breeding colonies. 1 male to 5 hens or so.

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There are several types of chick starter. You need to read the label. Definitely no medicated feed, that is horrible for your birds, their little kidneys cant process the medicine. Secondly most chick starter is only about 20% protein. Not enough for the quick metabolism of quail. You need a feed with atleast 24% protein and 30% is better. Purina Gamebird Startina is an excellent feed. 30% protein and good growth. I think your birds are barely surviving on the feed you are giving them. Thats the reason they arent laying eggs, they simply dont have the extra energy to waste on laying eggs.
I would personally split your birds up into seperate breeding colonies. 1 male to 5 hens or so.

ok i'll try to finish up my chick starter first. Would Turkey starter be better or game bird Starter?
There are several types of chick starter. You need to read the label. Definitely no medicated feed, that is horrible for your birds, their little kidneys cant process the medicine. Secondly most chick starter is only about 20% protein. Not enough for the quick metabolism of quail. You need a feed with atleast 24% protein and 30% is better. Purina Gamebird Startina is an excellent feed. 30% protein and good growth. I think your birds are barely surviving on the feed you are giving them. Thats the reason they arent laying eggs, they simply dont have the extra energy to waste on laying eggs.
I would personally split your birds up into seperate breeding colonies. 1 male to 5 hens or so.

also the man i bought my quails from feed them the exact same thing and they lay like crazy

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