Fertilized eggs in the fridge?


14 Years
Jul 10, 2008
If I want to sell eggs to people, and there is a chance they are fertilized, will their development be STOPPED by putting them in the fridge after them being laid? I have read that they can be retrieved from the fridge after a couple of days and then incubated for a successful hatch, but does that egg continue to develop WHILE it's in the fridge? I dont want to have eggs sitting in the fridge and end up cracking open an embryo or sell them and have it happen.
So if you do that, does their development 'pause' until you take them out and back to the hen/incubator?

In other words, if i put a fertile egg in the fridge that has a small bullseye, will it still have a SMALL bullseye in a week? Two weeks?
No development takes place until they reach 99.5 or so. You will have no trouble selling your eggs. Fertilized eggs are no different from store bought eggs accept that fresh eggs taste better.
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Unless it's a really hot day in the summer with no AC eggs won't even develop on your counter top. They can sit on the counter for weeks and still be the same as when you collected them. Most other countries aren't as obsessive as the US about refrigerating eggs.
I know. I ate eggs fertilized or not all throughout my youth. However, i understand that some people ask if you have roosters. I hate to lie about it, but they probably wont buy eggs.

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