

6 Years
Jun 27, 2013
I want to use chicken poop to fertilize with, however I hear using it straight will burn up your garden. Does anyone have a recipe on how to mix it up so it is safe to apply to your garden.
I mix it with wood ashes to neutralise it before adding it to the garden/compost heap. Wood ashes works very well and very quick.
My mother is a Master Gardener in CA. If I recall correctly, she advises letting it sit for at least 2 weeks before you apply it to your garden. I recommend mixing it into a bucket filled with compost and letting it sit/compost for a 2-4 week session so you have less burn and more garden goodness. After applying it to your soil, (or side dressing) give your garden a nice deep thorough watering.


Jocelyn in Antioch

too newb to have a sig file. sigh.
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