fertilizing grass in a chicken yard

I think you need to let large amounts of droppings age before you use them or they'll burn your lawn/plants. You might be better off composting the droppings you collect. The amount the chickens deposit on the grass by themselves is probably sufficient, provided that it's also getting watered enough to dilute the poo, and if you leave the clippings on the grass when you mow that's a good, much milder fertilizer.
If it is granular fertilizer I'd be very cautious. Chickens aren't known for their ability to sort good pellets from bad ones (ask the people that have seen chickens attack and eat up styrofoam).

It is especially a problem if the chickens see you spreading it because they will surely think it is a treat you are setting out for them.
Oh! You can get the spray kind. You attach the bottle of liquid to the hose and spray it over the yard. That should keep the chickens from eating it....but I don't know about the chemicals.
There's actually someone who has grass left in their chicken area???!!!
I didn't know grass grew in chicken yards either, unless you have a mobile coop. lol I wouldn't risk fertilizing with any chemicals.

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