Fertilzation of the Hen

Hmm. Gonna answer in a "Family sorta way"

1-They do the rooster dance
2-The rooster rubs hi vent on the hen's vent and leaves
his rooster mojo on the hen's vent
3-When the hen lays the egg the mojo rubs on the egg and is

A fertilized hen can lay fertilized eggs for up to two weeks after
doing the rooster dance.

If you want technical details I would suggest a Google search.

I know Drumstick is gonna read this.
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Google will help you out.

But for simplicity's sake. The hen has one working ovary, their left ovary. As eggs mature, the sperm from the male will fertilize the yolk. The yolk will then go down though the reproductive track of the hen where it gains the layers of albumin, membrane, and shell.

Like humans, the egg gets fertilized between ovulation and the coating of the yolk. The rooster can do his deposit at any time and the hen has an organ which holds the sperm for up to about three weeks.

As for rubbing of vents and absorbed mojo... not quite.
Hey cmon, I tried. The post sat unanswered for a while. My answer
was meant to be fun(ok stupid), not scientific.

My rooster had mojo, just ask his girls...
Where is the entry point at??? What is meant by the vent ...not really stupid...just trying to figure things out here.
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The Vent!!...she only has one point of entry from the outside... where she poos or the egg comes out!!...

PC ...I liked your mojo !!......
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Since the poor rooster don't have all the quipment the hen must help. Care to explain that...lol

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