Ended Fifth Annual BYC NYD Hatch-A-Long Cutest Chick contest


A chicken will always remember the egg
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 31, 2011
Woodland, CA
My Coop
My Coop
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This is my Buff silkie...or maybe partridge?...NO NAME

partridge silkie...NO NAME

White Silkie...NO NAME

Japanese bantam...Button

Japanese Bantam Silkie cross...Milkshake

Japanese Bantam...Tokyo

Buff silkie...NO NAME

The 3 Japanese bantams....the one falling is Tokyo, the one with the blue back is Button, and the other is Wiggles.

@ronott1 this was just 7 of my 12 chicks....could I add photos of the other 5 when I get pictures later?
3. Cutest Chick Hatched
First Prize: Golden Feather Membership
Second Prize: BYC Calendar

Open to all hatch a long members except Hatch a long Administrators. Post baby pictures in thread and we will vote on them.

The top 10 will be picked for us to vote on!

Are there rules to this like how many pics we can add and when is the last day we can post pics etc?


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Are there rules to this like how many pics we can add and when is the last day we can post pics etc?

One post per person but they can only be cut chicks!

Ok, they are all cute....

It will stay open until we have enough to judge. I am sure you all will let me know.

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