Fighting my newly starting Homeowners Association

Of course I asked why when we were pressed about our three tomato plants. They said that it took away from the symmetry of one yard to the next and that it could have a detrimental effect to property values...I'm not kidding. Part of my argument pointed out the development motto - "...blah, blah, blah community with that down home country feeling" and they said that each house fits that aesthetic and the phrase was part of a marketing plan AND gardens were strictly prohibited in the covenants and restrictions. Simply unbelievable.

I know something else that has even a greater effect on property values and it's happening to our economy right now! Then again, maybe the HOA board was right. Perhaps it was my tomato plants that brought the entire US real estate industry to its knees?

Just a thought, but if you have a patio out back and the HOA allows planters on your patio, grow your tomatoes and other veggies in containers. Then they can't say anything because you are not violating their precious covenants.

And yeah it was those three tomatoe plants of yours that ruined the whole nations economy:th

If that is the case those that were not told can sue the seller for non disclosure. This would be the same as a seller not telling you the roof was about to cave in. Get all those opposed together and hire a real estate lawyer.
Hey Fr. Chuck:

We considered the planters, but Beefsteaks really love stretching their roots.

The neighborhood we moved from was primarily made up of homes in the $1 million price range. We quickly found that we didn't fit in very well with our neighbors (what were we thinking anyway?). So we sold the fancy, non-chicken house, bought a substantially less expensive home and now live a totally happy life. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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They are a legal contract entered into by private parties. Some real estate agents will dishonestly tell you there isn't one. However, you have to be a dang lawyer to understand all of the papers you sign when you buy a house. If someone signs on the dotted line, all they can hope for is to try to effect some change, as comerrick is doing.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to live under HOA rule, yet people do it all the time. Dang, I love rural Arkansas. Rural ANYWHERE, for that matter!
Here in Texas most folks object to Homeowners associations simply because of the unbridled control that is handed over to the association. In short, they control you and your property all the while you are paying the bills. Worse, those associations have morphed into a a taxing entity that can fine you.

There are Homeowners associations in Texas but the Legislature wrote a new law governing them. Specifically, they have to expire. It's one or two years or something, one year I think.

What's even worse are the personality types who managed to get themselves appointed or elected to the positions of control. They can act like nazis.

Your best bet (since you won't get anywhere with the "association") is to make noise to your State Representatives, and organize a noisy group of helpers.

The up side to the "associations" is they will do something about those folks who throw trash in the alley etc. But, that should be the responsibility of the City, not an association of homeowners.

Check your Title or Deed to your property for any mention of the "association". Then check the bylaws of the association and see how that thing is put together and run. How did the head of the association become appointed, and by whom?

As I recall, what tipped the cards against those associations in my area was they had the gall to demand that fruit trees were violations.

Good luck and please keep us posted. Personally, I think Homeowners associations should be illegal and likely would be deemed illegal if anyone dragged the matter before a High Court.
If you're evil and sneaky...

1. Get low planters or barrels and cut the bottoms off.
2. Dig under the barrels and fill with nice soil. Put the barrels on top so it looks like they're standing on the lawn.
3. Fill the barrels/planters likewise with soil, allowing the plants plenty of room and encouragement to "go deep".
4. Water from the lower edge of the barrel. The plants will send their roots where the water is. If that's under your lawn or flower garden, so be it.
ooooh, Squeaky! I like the way you think, but we're out of there now (thank goodness!). We grew 30 tomato plants this year. Our chickens ate tomato snacks for a couple of months. Lucky birds!
HOA are like another layer of government that people get to rule over them. I'm sorry to disappoint your, but it's not your property until you've completely paid for it. I don't know anyone in this country that owns their land. We all pay rent to the government. School, village, town, county, state, and federal taxes. I wouldn't want to live in a village or city since they are just like a HOA. Just one more layer of taxes and idiots that think they know best.
no offense to people who believe HOA is good, but they are snobby persons way of being in control of what goes on in a neighboerhoodand have no idea what the real world is. Those are the only type I have met. My opinion. Some ban clotheslines! They would not survive a time when we have to go back to surviving as in the 1700, 1800 etc. All of us will though because some of you are already half way there. My inspiration to sustainable living!!! They can take my chickens and clothesline away from when they pry them from my cold, dead hands! ErinM

thankfully i do not live in a development or have an hoa and I never would. Too many people getting into everyones business. My sisters nhood is like a real housewives of Grafton show. they should film there!! Erinm
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Regardless of whether or not the HOA has the right to exist and exert its will over your propery, they likely don't have the money to bring you to court and compell you to comply with their rules. I would ignore them - it will really make them mad.

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