
May 2, 2020
Eastern Michigan
Lately, (usually when were outside) 2 of our chicks, a white leghorn, and black jersey giant, have been having little standoffs, The black jersey giant, (Kayla) is pretty low in pecking order, where as the Leghorn, (Valerie) is higher, they sometimes do this to the other chickens, but that is usually pretty minor, and don't happen very often, the video I shot is a little less than what they usually do, probably because our hed hen was right there. Is this normal, and shouldI change something?
Lately, (usually when were outside) 2 of our chicks, a white leghorn, and black jersey giant, have been having little standoffs, The black jersey giant, (Kayla) is pretty low in pecking order, where as the Leghorn, (Valerie) is higher, they sometimes do this to the other chickens, but that is usually pretty minor, and don't happen very often, the video I shot is a little less than what they usually do, probably because our hed hen was right there. Is this normal, and shouldI change something?
We have six baby buff orps, they get into little rages sometimes, I think that this is pretty normal.

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