Final straw for my roo

This happened many many years ago, my parents decided to get 50 black sex links and 50 Dom.'s (all pullets) and so they ordered them and the hatchery sent 2 extra's which were Dom. roosters, well they all grew up to be very FAT and large chickens! The 2 roo's actually were the size of turkeys! They were feed lots of cracked corn and the hens got laying pellets, plus they free ranged all day and ate lots of goodies from the garden and the near by woods! Well my sister moved 2 houses down and her daughter Samantha would come to our house to see my parents (her grandparents) and I. Samantha was 5 so was about 3 ft tall and both of our roo's were as tall as she was! Well every time they would see her come up the drive they would chase her and well one day they actually caught her and my mom who weighs about 100 pounds wet said and I quote, "THATS IT that baby will not go through that again (and a few other words)". Mom walked outside and grabbed Samantha put her on the pourch walked out in the yard grabbed both roosters (they were so tame to us and would walk right up to us with no problems) by the neck one in each hand and started swinging them around like pom poms! Mean while Samantha started screaming "LOOK, LOOK grandma is a chicken cheer leader!". The BEST chicken and dumplings EVER!!!!

We dressed/cleaned them and dad weighed them and honestly the largest weighed after dressing them 14.6 lbs. They were just as yellow from the cracked corn that they ate! Makes my mouth water thinking about it!
Samantha to this day and she is 26 yrs old and a mother of 3 hates chickens and when ever she comes to my house she is like LOCK THEM UP!!!!
We are going through the same thing. We just got rid of one mean roo (was mean from hatch). What is really weird we have another aggressive roo and hen and they are both splashes. The one we just got rid of was a splash ameraucana. Is it something in the splash gene? We do have a splash orpington hen and she has never tried to attack us.

My husband has to karate chop his way through the coop just to get them watered and feed and protect his face. Crazy chickens.
Well I did it! I posted an ad on Craigslist for my rooster and I had a reply this morning. I emailed him back and we set up a time to meet. I asked him if he had a flock or intended to eat him. I told him absolutely no fighting. He told me he just built a 10x10 playhouse coop with a extra large run with 10 hens. Soooo, my roo has a good home. I am so relieved! (so are my hens)
Years ago when I had my other chickens, I accidently got a barred rock roo first and a light brama roo, the barred rock was as mean as hell and had to go, the light brama was a sweet -I miss him. If you feel you want a roo, light bramas may be a good breed to look into, but your hens don't need one-they may even be happier without one...
I've done that. My husband thought it was hilarious, the neighbors probably thought I'd lost my marbles too.
But if you watch two roosters interacting, one will chase the other around the yard and yank the tailfeathers. I learned a lot about rooster to rooster body language when we had 2 black sexlink roos, one of them was a flock peacemaker always breaking up fights, and the other one desperately wanted to move up in the world so he was always making challenges.
Roosters will also chase hens around if they don't submit, saw one of the sexlink roos chase a BO pullet in circles around the coop one evening.

Speakin their language seems to work for me. If he gets any wrong ideas, I yank his tail feathers and run him around the yard and there is peace for like a month or longer. He occasionally dances for me and I ignore him, but never tries to attack me unless it's somethin weird....he took offense to a certain pair of boots once
Roosters are definitely a hoot to have around, but some of them will keep you on your toes!
I believe you did the right thing, your safety should always go first no matter how pretty the roo can be

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