finally evicted out to the coop (pic)

outdoor junkie

9 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Moved the girls(I hope) out to the coop today, they seem to like it. So am I correct in that I need to leave them shut in for a few days before I let them out to roam, or into the run so they learn their new home? Or can they go into the run during the day? And now that they are older can anyone tell me what breed of birds I have, can't remember what they were from when I bought them. Thanks for looking.
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Can they get in and out of the coop on their own and is it enclosed within the yard? Mine are in a hutch within a well-fenced yard and I leave them alone to come and go as they wish, but inside the safety of the yard. It has a top, too, so no danger of hawks, etc. They were just out to roam free last week and they went right back in to their yard as I herded them in that general direction. You definitely want them to have some time to realize that it's home..I gave mine a week or so.

I'm glad you asked about the breed...I have some like that, too, that are 10 weeks now and I don't know what they are!
I allowed my girls access to their run on the very first day, but their run is under the coop so it's protected. I don't have much experience, so maybe an expert will know better?

And the two reddish-brown gals look like my Rhode Island Red girls, not sure about the two darker ones though!
They can get into the run on their own, I installed an old window I had a tthe bottom of the wall leading out to the run if I open it, but they will have to be let out by me to get into the fenced in yard. I just would like to know if I can open the window and let them come in and out of the coop into the run, or should I keep them locked in the coop for a few days. Will wait about a week or so until I let them out to roam the yard. oh I forgot the run is fully enclosed and covered.
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Thank you all, your input is much appreciated. I think I will leave them locked in the coop for a few days then let them come out into the run for a few more before I let them out to roam the yard.
Yes I am starting to believe one of the dark ones is a roo. It's legs are much thicker than the others, it's tail feathers are much longer and it's comb and wattles have alot more of a red tint to them.
If you have an enclosed run you can probably let them out on the first day. If you plan to let them free range during the day they need a few days to adjust to their new home. If they don't know its their home you will have to chase them all over the yard. Your chickens look like my Rhode Island Reds and Black Star sex linked. Hope that helps

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