Finally Got My Chickens


6 Years
May 1, 2013
Hi BYC! My name is Ashley and I'm so excited to finally own a small flock of backyard chickens. We recently moved from to "the country" where we are allowed to have chickens. As soon as we were settled in, we bought 8 pullets from the local feed store. We got 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Buff Orpington, and 2 Barred Rocks. One Rhode Island Red didn't make it through it's first night with us (she was the runt), so now we have 7 chicks who are 2 weeks old.
I don't know much about raising chickens, but I"m so excited to finally have the opportunity! They've been so much fun already.
Greetings from Kansas, schlee111, and
! Super to have you aboard! A great place for the new chicken keeper is the Learning Center - it will give you the knowledge you need to raise a happy & healthy flock! Good luck to you!

Here's the link:

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