Finally got my five hens today and...


11 Years
Jun 3, 2008
Bolton, CT
We are so excited, we finally brought home our five month old pullets! They were a little stunned from the ride home but seemed ok once they spent some time checking out the run. We spent about an hour and half hanging out with them and they are all pretty docile and don't mind being handle.

I had to send them all into the coop while I went food shopping. The were in there about and hour and a half and when I got back I found some blood in the coop and the RIR had some blood on her back. They were all raised together in confinement but could they be trying to reestablish a new pecking order among their new "mini flock" (they were raised with close to 25 other chicks until today)?

Also, it seems like two of the hens are sneezing or coughing. What might that be about? Is it anything I should worry about?

Confusion and a little gas they settle in the new place. Keep a close eye on the injured one, they can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. I would put some distractions out for them, treats that take some eating, cunks of melon or a cabbage cut in quarters.
Thanks, we actually put out some cut up tomatoes and they seem to be having a blast with that as well as some dead leaves. I hope that helps.
take the ones that are couging and sneezing and seperate them from the healthy ones immidietely,
then go buy somthing called tylen 50, i beleive. and mix it in the water of your sick hens, this should help.
Stress can bring on conditions that are otherwise go unnoticed, or lay dorment. Keep a very close eye on the sneezing and coughing and for any other signs of illness.

Ya, these were the ones that took the ride the worst. They were panting and pretty much plopped on the ground not wanting to explore. They got better as they day progressed and I did notice the sneezing/coughing (can't say for sure which it is) decreased.
Ya, these were the ones that took the ride the worst. They were panting and pretty much plopped on the ground not wanting to explore. They got better as they day progressed and I did notice the sneezing/coughing (can't say for sure which it is) decreased.

well; id wait a bit, and monitor the situation, but if it continued, i would follow my instructions by quarintining the sick ones
best of luck
good laying vibes going your way

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