Finally... I got my first egg!

Congrsts! I am still waiting patiently lol I think mine are going on 20 weeks....waiting is the hardest part lol pretty girls too!
I got my chickens on April 12th. At that time my supplier estimated they were about 14 weeks old. 20 weeks was May 24th, which came and went with no eggs. So, if the estimated age was correct, they are now about 28 weeks old, and I finally got my first egg. It was a little frustrating, but I am just happy they are starting to produce. Hopefully, yours won't take that long.
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I just got my first egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

store bought on the left (large My first pullet egg on the right
Great feeling....FINALLY!!!! LOL

I just got my first egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

store bought on the left (large My first pullet egg on the right
Great feeling....FINALLY!!!! LOL

That's great. As of yesterday my Barred Rock has given me 7 eggs. Your first egg looks like it is a good size. Mine have been on the small side, but are getting bigger each time. They are delicious!
It was a good size. I was shocked. We are cracking it open this evening next to the store bought egg to compare The we are cooking and eating them to to compare LOL

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