Finally Joined


Apr 5, 2016
Appreciate all the advice on here- the s/s of cocci and tx with corid saved my new silkie chicks! Caught the chicken bug again when someone gave me a silkie with a broken beak. Been out of the chicken world since childhood (sold enough eggs to buy my own first horse). Now I have a handful of seramas, a pair of pilgrim goslings, and my first batch in the incubator. With muskovies & Sebastopols coming, I think I want to try seeding some food plots. So have a lot to learn-- love all the knowledge on this site!
It should go good in the same incubator I have 10 ameraucana eggs 6 ready thursday 2 on friday and 2 on saturday and all of them are developing well too, they were just sort of my run to make sure that everything was running good, I love my incubator it held the temp solid the whole time, and holds the humidity great.

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