Today I was contacted by a local breeder.

She was retiring her Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and wanted a no-kill home for them.

A thirty-minute drive and 80$ later I finally have hands on some of my ultimate dream chickens.
I have always wanted BLRW, but I had this weird curse where something always happened and I was unable to get them. (Cancelled orders, hatchery was sold out, chicks died in transit, etc.)

Words cannot express my joy.

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Everyone is very hot, it's 100°F and evil humidity. Frozen cucumbers to the rescue!

Do you have Blue Laced Red Wyandottes? I'd love to see some pictures. :)
They are so gorgeous, and that lacing is immaculate! Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 they are so cute I am hoping if all goes well to get some next year to. They are so cute. How many did you get and have you named them yet?
I hope you do!! I have been outside watching them ever since I brought them home.
There are seven hens and one rooster. I haven't given them names yet, but I plan to. They all have something a bit unique about them. :love
I hope you do!! I have been outside watching them ever since I brought them home.
There are seven hens and one rooster. I haven't given them names yet, but I plan to. They all have something a bit unique about them. :love
May I suggest Miracle (Mira for short) as a name for one because it's such a surprise that you got them?
Thank you so much :hugs I honestly can't stop staring at them, I'm probably biased, but they're the prettiest chickens ever!!!!
They're right up there on my list of stunners that I'd like to own!! (If anyone's interested, the others are chamois spitzhaubens, black sumatras, exchequer leghorns, blue andalusians, buff laced polish, blue wheaten ameraucana but just a rooster, and gold neck d'uccles)
That sounds so sweet. Do they have their own pen and how old are they?
They are in their own pen right now for their quarantine period, then I plan on introducing them to my current flock.

Im still in the "thinking" period because I did get a rooster and I wouldn't want to cause any fighting and stress. I've got an available coop, it just needs to be cleaned out. So I've got options, I just gotta think out my pros and cons.

EDIT: They are 3, the breeder said their laying went down but they've all laid eggs already so I am MORE than pleased.

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