Finally!!! Pictures of Our Coop Before & After


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Ok..I finally got ya's before & after of our coop. This pic before floor & outter wall was replaced.

Same here just different angle

Same again different angle

New coop with new floor & wall + coop door also added 2 windows. Turbine was added, and weather paper stuff, we hope to cover that eventually with siding.

Different angle of front with new window. Has glass I can remove easily for extra venalation.

Picture of their outdoor run with dust bathing pool. We did add an eletric fence. It runs along the outside approx 3 inches off the fence and there deer netting on the inside approx 1 inch off the fence to stop the hens from putting their heads out. Deer netting along the top also.

Entire coop & run sit under a willow tree for shade all day.

Inside coop as linolium floor and deep litter method for easy cleaning. with the addition of our 5 new 8 week old hens. I will get better pic of them soon for ya's.

Any questions or sujestions let me know. I know it's not the nicest out there, but it was very inexpensive to convert a shed. And the electric fence was also very cheap. I got info on that if you'd like it.
I think it looks great. I do the same thing when building a coop i just find an old building and fix it up its alot cheaper than buying a brand new one. I also think that the old buildings last longer since stuff is made so cheapley these days. GREAT COOP
That is really, really nice! You are going to have some happy chickens. You guys did a great job.
Looks great. Nothing the matter with fixing up something. I would prefer to do that and we are.
What is in the pool for them to dust bath in?
Nice coop! We took an old falling apart playhouse and made it into a coop and it's working out fine. Just a word of warning, though, about putting netting on the inside of the fence. While netting works well to put over a run, since chickens seldom fly that high, it's not safe to put up for side fencing as the chickens can get their feet caught and get hurt. I've seen some horrible pics of birds getting caught and hanging there for hours because their owners were gone for the day. It would be safer to use chicken wire. imho
All that's in the pool is play sand and soil. They love it, they still do dig in my gardens too for dust bathing but not as often since we added the pool.
Ya know I was concerned about that too. I was wondering if they could get their feet in there and get caught up. I'll be saying something to hubby about changing that and soon. Thanks for the tip. I don't think I could take loosing more hens.
Nice coop. Old buildings sure do have character!
Question - what is deer netting?
We bought it at Tractor Supply Co. I guess people use it to keep deer away from certin areas. It's a black, thin mess type plastic. We found lots of uses for it. Surround the garden, top of coop, inside coop celing. It came in a huge roll, and I know it was inexpensive, but I can't remember what I paid for it.

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