Finally starting my walk in coop. Want to follow?

Omg I can't hardly contain myself!
This os what I came home to after work!
20190622_173501.jpg 20190622_170117.jpg 20190622_170039.jpg
Thanks everyone! It means a lot that you guys think its going well.

@Brahma Chicken5000 how are your chooks? Are you on your school break yet?

@trumpeting_angel I've decided to name this building Cackleberry Castle. :lau Hubby worked a huge egg farm before coming to the USA to marry me. People would ask what he did in England. I'd tell them he was a cackleberry picker. :lau:lau:lau
Thanks everyone! It means a lot that you guys think its going well.

@Brahma Chicken5000 how are your chooks? Are you on your school break yet?
I’ve been on break for about a month now. Doing odd jobs with a friend. I start my math course next week. :sick
My chickens are doing well thank God. Both my Araucana pullets have come into lay. :wee
How are you enjoying your flock?

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