Finally starting my walk in coop. Want to follow?

Chris working on the "popway".
I think that's my new name for it.
Just a few cosmetics and unforseen adjustments needed, but they are in the coop, they have their popway, and food and water are back in the run, not the coop!. This video waa done quickly because I knew my cell was dying, and, yup, it did as you will see.
As I was saying before my cell so rudely cut me off...the plan is to use some chicken wire to extend Roopecca's run within the main run. And we hope to also extend the main run to compensate for run area lost to Roopecca's run.
Of course I need to get the outside of the coop painted. The plywood pop door warped and won't slide up and down now. I think I'm going to look into plexiglass. Any suggestions? I also had to cover the front eaves ventilation due to heavy drafts.this is temporary because I am at the end of any budget I imagined I had and the weather is turning nippy. Besides, I haven't come up with a permanent solution. I have all winter to figure this out. Of course suggestions and advice are most welcome.
Whew. What a journey!
It looks awesome Cryss! :thumbsup
I’m so happy you finally got it finished!
I’m hoping to have my henhouse ready to be installed Sunday evening. :fl
Thank you! You've always been so encouraging. I really do appriciate that. I'm glad to hear you're so close to the end of constructing yours. I'm sure Gary and Jane and the rest of the flock are going to love it. (See that? I remembered 2 names from your flock. Pretty good considering I'm terrible with names :lau:gig)
Looks awesome! I bet your girls love it. I can't wait to get mine done. But sadly it has been put off until next spring.
Thank you. My girls didn't even seem to notice they weren't going outdoors for the first 2.5 weeks while we built the popway. I guess that means they like it. :gig
I started on this coop in the beginning of March, 16 months after starting to raise chickens. This took 8 months to complete. Don't worry, it doesn't usually take that long. My son in law Chris built it taking his time due to bad back. You now have 4 months, all winter, to research, ask questions, and plan out the details of your coop, so you're actually starting your coop now.;):D

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