FINALLY! The Finished Product:Coop and Run......Its all Done.

I was wondering the same thing....

Looks awesome, Todd !!
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I was wondering the same thing....

Looks awesome, Todd !!

Its a place where I threw some dirt in there..going to mix some ash and DE and have it under cover...they love digging in it and taking dirt baths...took me 5 seconds to put together...
Keep in mind, the snow load concerns are as much about 'structure' as about roofing material. If (read:when) you replace the top with someting more stout, you will want to incorporate more support members - probably a few vertical 'column' supports at the least.

Great looking setup - I like how roomy it is!
Great job! Looks like your chickens will have a very great, secure habitat!

Sorry, I don't think it is possible to keep the grass around without that run being mobile. I gave up on that idea years ago. It is better to just dig it down about 8 to 12 inches and replace the dirt with sand.
Keep in mind, the snow load concerns are as much about 'structure' as about roofing material. If (read:when) you replace the top with someting more stout, you will want to incorporate more support members - probably a few vertical 'column' supports at the least.

Great looking setup - I like how roomy it is!

Thanks will keep in mind...I know I will add at least 1 column for the small roof and the rest will be welded wire..But I've got your point in mind..Thank you :)
CT_Todd, I'm in Moodus. We're nearly neighbors!

Schultz, Say it isn't so! My husband keeps saying he's going to have to lay sod.

As for the "sandbox" what have you all found your chickens like to dustbathe in the most? Mine have scratched up the corners of the pen, in some areas they've uncovered the concrete around the posts! So, hubby was going to creat a "box" of sorts in the corner and fill it in. Suggestions? He got some sand, but I'm worried he'll go to all the trouble and then they'll turn their little noses up at it and dig a hole elsewhere because they like dirt better than sand. I like the idea of adding DE (Supplier in CT???) and what about ash?
Sorry, serendipityfarm, I can not say it isn't so. That's how it has panned out for me. Good luck to ya though, and if you get it to turn out, I'll be soooooo jealous and you will have to PM me and tell me how it's done!
Howdy Neighbor! ;-)
Just build a box and throw some dirt in it...(and if you know they like dirt, well then you know they will probably use it)
'All that trouble" should amount to no more than 10 minutes...

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