Finally the longest 28 days are over


6 Years
May 11, 2013
We put 18 of our guinea hen eggs in the incubator along with 8 more that we bought.
The 8 we bought were not fertile, not a single one.
Out of our 18 eggs, 4 were born yesterday and 4 more through the night.

It is all so exciting, I even filmed the birth of the one.
Now I am anxiously awaiting to see if the other guinea eggs along with 8 silkie eggs we bought will hatch, should be tomorrow.
I think in the past couple days most of my time has been spent by the incubator.
The funny part to this story is that last year when we got our guineas we figured we had 4 boys because they never laid a single egg. This year we were thinking of trading one of the boy for a female. Low and behold one day there was an egg, from there we found out we have 3 girls and a boy. It is a learning curve but a fun one.

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