FINALLY, they are out of the we go (pics)

me too, and horribly underestimated the cost. Beautiful coop, and great question, thanks for asking it.

I put the chickens in the coop last night at dark, some had gone in for the night others were not as was easily dark enough that they weren't moving much and were easy to catch (in other words they were done drinking and eating for the night). I left the food/water out in the run so there wasn't any in the coop. When I let them out at 7:30 they came out and were drinking like crazy! Is this normal? or does that mean that they need water in the coop...I am thinking about going to get another waterer and hang it inside the coop
When we let ours out in the morning and they eat and drink like we haven't fed them for weeks. It's prob normal. Can u tell what the temp is in the coop? Does it stay a little cooler in there? If it's hot out, and doesn't really cool off too much at night, I would put a waterer in the coop during the hot summer months.
That's probably what I will do. We get into the 70's at night here and I am sure it is plenty cool, but I don't always get up at the crack of dawn so it might be good to at least put water in there. They can eat when they get out....
If it were me, I would put the extra waterer in there, cuz during this heat they do need that extra fluid. Good luck! U should post some pics of ur girlies!! we love pics!!
Love the coop! I am looking at a few plans to keep my new coop tall but more functional than my self built/planned coop. I also wanted a roof that didn't need tarps :p
/knows nxt to nothing about building roofs

We have sweltering heat and cold winters sometimes with snow so a good run for the latter is nice.

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