I finally have one of my free range hens nesting in the garage where I can actually get to her eggs! I was soooo excited to find where she was nesting and was able to gather up her little nest and move it to an area I could easily get to daily. I left her one egg in there and marked it - and what do ya know - it worked!!! She laid another one in the new box. I was so excited! We have a large 2 car dettached garage that I use for storage and my horse "stuff" (feed room/tack room) and the hay is stored in there also - so we just leave the garage door up high enough for the cats to come and go from. Well Ethel found the hay and decided it was a perfect nest! Now if I can only keep the cats out of the chicken's nest! Both cats where piled up in it - with the egg under them! I can't wait to get home tonight to see if it worked a 2nd day