*Fingers crossed* for another broody! Attn: Sourland! Please help!

I had to sell of most of my broodies - it was all I had for awhile. I do know who has exceptionally broody frizzle bantam cochins if you are interested in hatching some out someday

I have bantam cochins in the bator and under the broody. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. It's a sickness I tell ya.
Go back to bed. Don't want you to strain yourself.


Feeling better? BTW (and don't tell Keith this) I fainted in the chicken coop yesterday and nobody ate me. My chickens really love me.
BTW (and don't tell Keith this) I fainted in the chicken coop yesterday and nobody ate me. My chickens really love me.

Do you know why? Not good, Not good at all.

Nurse Imp​
Do you know why? Not good, Not good at all.

Nurse Imp

Yes I know why and it's no big deal. Just that Ranchy's siggy reminded me of it.
I'm fed up with broody hens this year. 6 Brahma hens broody or with chicks right now....I have been limiting them to 1 or 2 eggs if their broodiness couldn't be broken. None of my other hens have gone broody, but the Brahmas have sat all summer.

It seems that when you have eggs you want to hatch, no broody and when you have broody hens, no eggs you want to hatch.

If you want broody hens, may Lady Cluck smile on you.
Ellie didn't stick to it. She's a very strange silkie in my book; 14 months old and not broody even once. I don't know what I'll do with Jethro after she finishes raising this brood and goes broody again. I can't let her hatch chicks each time, but she's nearly impossible to break.
I've been giving my 'die hard' broody hens one or two eggs ....usually one hatches...if that proves to be (yet another) cockerel I have to re-home or cull. but at least the broodiness is broken.
I will probably do the same with Jethro, but I will definitely rehome. Problem is, as it stands right now, any chicks hatched after these current ones will be sired by a polish roo.

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