finially starting my coop this week, PICS, UPDATE, question?


12 Years
Jan 23, 2008
This is the shed that I will be using for my coop. The back part that I will convert is roughly 3' x 10'. If you can see at the roof line inside there are blocks of wood nailed in, i think I can remove them for ventilation and cover with screen. The garage door will be opened when the weather is warm enough and the inside will be a wall with screen "windows", do you think that would be enough light without windows? I can run a light inside in the winter.
left side


right side and where the run will be


my son also wants to build a tractor to move around the field after the garden is spent in the fall.

I will update in a few days. Im so excited to finially get started.
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That's going to make a great coop!

One suggestion though...

I wouldn't use screen alone as it's easy to tear through (atleast the aluminum window screen I'm using is). I cover the screen with a layer of 1/2" x 1/2" hardware cloth. Using both, we keep the worst of the bugs out of the coop plus predators because of the hardware cloth.

Pic of Chick-N-Barn vent covered with window screen an 1/2" hardware cloth...


Hope this is some help!

update, I laid the vinyl tiles, I got a great deal at a discount store 30sq ft for $8.99. My question is there are some little gaps in some of the seams, i knew it wouldnt be square because my grandfather built it by hand. Should I cover them in duct tape or something else, or do you think it would be ok? they are tiny little gaps, I will try to take a picture later but Its taking me so long because Im having back trouble. I did too much today
Remember, It's gonna be for chickens.
I think a small gap will be O.K. I sure wish I had a building like that on my property. That's gonna be great for the chicks.
It should be fine. You are covering it with bedding anyway. If you are worried about moisture damage, just seal the gaps with a silicone caulk or other weatherproofing product.

Personally I would not worry about tiny gaps. The chickens will not care less.

Great coop idea for sure.

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