Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you go out and buy a Baby Name book because you've run out of names for your ever-increasing flock members.

Not that I'd ever do something like that, just sayin'.....
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You miss your girls terribly while they are at the fair.

Our three girls will be away at "camp" until we can pick them up on Sunday. It's odd but I really miss the daily greeting as soon as I get home. DD does too. Kind of like a dog running to greet you. Hopefully they don't socialize too much and forget we are their family. We'll be visiting them tomorrow. Our fair doesn't give exhibitor passes for open class which stinks. We can only afford to pay once.

Come on Sunday...
When we dropped our girls off at the fair, DH suggested we volunteer in the Poultry barn next year. What??? You don't like the girls we have. I think they're growing on him. LOL! Welcome to the dark side, honey!
When you have a pet rooster that naps on the bed with you.

When you go by someone elses house and go 'Oh look at their chickens hunny aren't they adorable?! <----- this is the beguining of the 'I can't wait to have our own coop ramble.

When other peoples chickens like you more than their owners.

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