Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when you're family swears you've hopped the chicken train to the funny farm!!... lol... chickens in my house, chickens outside, chickens watching us through our front window(chicken form of TV), and chickens in my pockets!! lol... Totally addicted!!
When the minister asks the kids what they are thankful for and you, the grandmother, in front of the whole reserved Presbyterian congregation, raise your hand and say "Chickens!".
When you make little felt chicken ornaments that actually look like each of your chickens
Ok, time for some fun!   

Finish this sentence:  "You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when..."
When you find yourself saying calling to the girls "let's hunt some worms" and your Roo does his "let's eat something special" happy dance. And you dig chunks out of your backyard...anything not covered in grass, to provide entire worm families for their dining pleasure #;>)

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