Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you find yourself saying calling to the girls "let's hunt some worms" and your Roo does his "let's eat something special" happy dance. And you dig chunks out of your backyard...anything not covered in grass, to provide entire worm families for their dining pleasure #;>)

Oh yes, we live in the timber, there is a little train of me then the flock following me to a downed tree so I can move it and they can feast on whatever is under it!
You know your chicken crazy when
your with your friends and family, and you immediately start off the conversation with chickens! ( Everyone groans!)
When you send the dogs out to chase the wild turkeys away from your coop so your babies won't catch any diseases.
When you put eggs in your pockets then forgot you put them in there.
Start thinking about what you are going to plant in your garden because of what the chickens like or don't like.
When you have chicken pictures framed all over your house.

When you have spent hours making a chicken scrap book and chicken family tree!!

I am guilty of both!
When you hatch out 20 chicks then immediately set 20 more and nine more under a broody.
When its irregular for a word to come out of your mouth that is NOT about chickens
When you have a chicken collection. Glass chickens wooden chickens ceramic painted tin signs everything Lol!
When everything you paint is a chicken
When you spend hours making decorations for the henhouse. I'm making a wreath wrappe with yarn and bows and blown eggs, I'm stringing up popcorn and hanging it so they can all have a treat, lights and a mini tree! Well at least I'm planning too. I've began making the wreath and I'm planning on popping the corn a little closer to Christmas.

And when you grow a pumpkin patch just for them. Once it's overripe it's heads to the ladies!

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