Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you are in the car, on a back road, and your husband stops at the side of the road so you can check out a chicken coop! Without even asking, lol. They had the cutest silkies!
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When you are cooking something on the stove and the other members of the house say "let me guess it's for the chickens!" and they are right
When it's pouring rain, thundering, and cold and you go outside to put your girls in anyways.
When the puddle in front of the coop door is so big that you wouldn't be able to put them in without going IN the run that's way too low for you to stand up, and you go in and get poop all over your jeans, and you just shrug and put your chickens in anyways.
When your chicken is cold and wet, so you cuddle her.
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I had this with 2 of my hens. I just let this sit. As long as they didn't have eggs it didn't really matter. It took a while, but my 2 girls did finally give up. :) I know this is totally helpful, but it's all that I could do for mine

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