Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

...when you put each one to bed with a hug!!!

Nope I don't do that, that would mean 42 hugs!!! LOL!
When you have your chicks in the living room and you do not turn on the heat, so your girls can become acclimated to cold weather before ejecting them from your house.
When you buy extra veggies just to give them a treat.
the first thing you plan on saying to aliens if given the chance would be, "Take me to your coop!" rather than "Take me to your leader"
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When you have calculated the absolute maximum number you can own when you have to occasionally travel by car, (and have to take them with you). Our maximum? 6. One large cage, 1 cat and 2 human occupants in a Camry. ;) They are all spoiled rotten!

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