Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

... when you walk two blocks to save a chicken from being raccoon dinner?

... when you change all your passwords to be chicken related?

... when you bring your chickens in the house because it's cold outside?

... when you go home on your lunch break to bond with your girls?

... when your DH tells you you're funny because all you think/talk about is chickens before bed. hehe...
when they have their own stockings. :) And a Christmas card, and a Christmas tree. And, um, hmmmm, anything else??
When you spend the entire afternoon locked in your room, crying because one of your hens died and you don't even know why and now you feel like a horrible chicken owner and don't know what to do to protect the other two....
this is me right now.
When you spend the entire afternoon locked in your room, crying because one of your hens died and you don't even know why and now you feel like a horrible chicken owner and don't know what to do to protect the other two....
this is me right now.
Aww im so sorry! You are not a horrible chicken owner. One of my chickens passed away a few weeks ago and I don't know the reason either. Sometimes it just happens. She may have had a brain tumor, or had some other problems that had no side effects. You are not a horrible chicken owner, and I'm sure your chickens love you very very much
It's hard to lose chickens because they are like family. But give it some time and it will get easier. I promise
Mfpif16 It will be ok, I know how you feel, just think of how much love you gave to her and how she had such a good life and how well you treated her and you treat your other girls.
When u get home at 10 PM WAKE UP your chicks to love on each one for a few minutes feed them a snack and but them to sleep in their "bed time box" in your bed room. run outside to the coop to fill dishes treat jars and add the new sand to the garden and chop a few leaves off your broccoli and cabbage plants that will never fully grow because you keep cutting them for your birds so your girls wake up to goodies... THEN come inside at 11 and recap on BYC bahaha
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