Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you spend the entire afternoon locked in your room, crying because one of your hens died and you don't even know why and now you feel like a horrible chicken owner and don't know what to do to protect the other two....
this is me right now.

I'm so sorry!! Know that it had nothing to do with you, and simply the fact that you're so upset means that your heart is devoted to your chickies, and you are a wonderful chicken owner.
Haha, I did in kindergarten. :p Yes, I saw her thread. :(
Okaaay!! Back on topic!

~when your oatmeal becomes your chickens' breakfast cause it's cold outside.
~when you search far and wide for their Christmas mealworms. (that was to be their Christmas present)
~when you get them eos to put on their comb.
Ah yes, question. eos is a chapstick and it would be a lot easier to put on Junior's comb instead of smearing vaseline all over it when she's squirming to go out and play. This is what it looks like: so would it be safe to put on her comb?
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God bless .... we lost one in the first couple of weeks of owning chickens and I cried and then we went and got two more to cheer me up but still keep a photo of the lost one x

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